View Full Version : Brain tumour worries - please help!

12-04-12, 18:21
I can not stop worrying and getting myself in a panic about brain tumours! I stupidly googles the symptoms and I feel like I have them! My go says it's Defo anxiety but has referred me to a neurologist so I can have a 'second'opinion. (I asked him to do this).
Does anyone else get the following and can you be sure that it is anxiety?
Shooting pains in head
Pressure feelings in head
Head rushes like your going to pass out
Funny vision - like you can't focus properly
Eye floaters / black spots in vision
Intermitent ringing in ears / ear feels like it needs to pop
Jaw/ ear ache type feeling
Feeling nauseous
I've been feeling like this since December (diagnosed with anxiety 2 years ago), but keep feeling that new symptoms keep popping up that make me worry even more.
I know I've posted before but I really am making my self Ill with all the worry.
Please help x
I've been treated for sinus issues but no improvement. Been to the opthalamist a year ago and all was fine with my eyes.
Has anyone else felt like this and can confidently say it's anxiety and overcome it? To me if all these symptoms must mean illness??

12-04-12, 18:45
Moved to the symptoms forum for you

12-04-12, 19:14
I have had many of your symptoms and they do sound anxiety related, I'm sure you would be really sick and have trouble functioning if you had a brain tumour, it's horrible having health anxiety isn't it, it's like we won't believe anyone but hope you will be a bit reassured knowing I've had these symptoms

Jayne x

12-04-12, 19:33
As above, 95 % sounds like the same thing I have been through... its definaltly your anxiety... try to understand what the doctor has told you, i know that is hard as I found, he has seen thousands of people and try to understand if he thought it was something as serious as that he would be refering you in a flash... im sure its just you getting yourself all worked up about it :)

12-04-12, 20:40
What does that mean Nicola? X

12-04-12, 20:45
I too have had all the symptoms youve mentioned and went to the gp demanding tests because i was so sure i had a tumour but they were all fine and when i found this out and accepted it the symps dont scare me anymore and have vanished lol! Now im on to the heart! so yeah i def think its anxiety hun xxxx

12-04-12, 21:24
What does that mean Nicola? X

You posted it in the "Introduce yourself" forum so I moved it to the correct one.

12-04-12, 21:38
Thanks guys! Ive seen loads of similar symptoms as mine on here but they always seem to have sinus issues as the cause but mine isn't so can't help thinking It might be something more serious :(

15-04-12, 22:10
Hey you could have a case of vertigo which is dizziness in your head which can cause other problems.
Also do you suffer from sinus problems and headaches?

It doesnt really sound like a brain tumour as brain tumours usually affect your memory and thinking and you cant really function properly. You either are getting vertigo or migraine problems mixed in with sinuses by the sounds of it.

I would go and do the tests and see what they say anyway.

Is this happening everyday? or is it just sometimes? like not everyday or certain parts of the day.

17-04-12, 04:40
i used to worry about them with all these twitches im getting and a really strange feeling i was getting in my head, cant explain it, like the feeling when you bang your nose but in my head, it used to come on at night and cause fatigue and weariness. i visited the doc and he said its anxiety, he said theres definately no tumor, as there would be evidence in my eye activity when he stuck a torch in there. still got the twitches (BFS) but the strange feeling has gone, must have been a sinus problem. as long as your not getting splitting headaches in a morning that sometimes wake you up and get worse when you cough or bend over then its unlikely to be a tumor. i had labyrinthitis for 6 months, an infection of the ear labyrinth that causes a plethora of rubbish feelings just prior to my BFS and i reckon the worrying i did not knowing what the vertigo was caused this. one symptom is that everything used to look very different than it used to, like i was inside a computer game and somehow not really there, like looking through someone elses eyes. i used to lean over somewhere and feel as if im being pushed gently over upon stopping and felt like i was on a gently rocking boat. i was on bethahistine hydrochloride for a while which helped a lot, took away the head pressures too, the feeling of a head full of cotton wool and like your looking at the world through 3D glasses was alleviated a lot too. i think the worry, the virus and the tablets caused my bodys defenses to crack. i still get the odd rocking feeling of an odd wobble but not on the meds anymore. good luck and dont rule out a sinus problem or labyrinthitis. plus eye floaters are normal, they are particles actually inside the fluid inside your eye that refract to your retina. if you look up at a cloudy sky you will see them and its normal, they move along with your eye movements (because they are in your eye) its only of concern of you can see them very prominently on a black background, and i mean very prominently. black spots that start from the corners of your eyes and move inward to the centre are a classic panic attack (ive had a few) and your legs turn to jelly, white spots flashing in the corner of your eyes when looking quickly to the side is classic sign of high blood pressure,if you just have the floaters when looking at light things thats normal. you wont see them in a poorly lit room for example.

04-05-12, 07:13
Omg every single feeling u have I have to and seriously thought I had a brain tumor makes me feel better I'm not alone u have floaters all the time!!! Ur post made me feel better :-)