View Full Version : Sudden Head Rush- Feeling really anxious

12-04-12, 18:26
I was coming home from shopping I was happy and contented and all of a sudden I had this head rush that left me feeling faint for a few seconds and i was off balance as well. Pulse is ok but now I am really anxious thinking I am about to die at any minute. Has anyone else had head rushes that make you feel off balance??

12-04-12, 18:52
Yes I have. Possibly low blood sugar or an adrenaline rush after busy shopping. Try not to worry.

12-04-12, 19:04
I feel like that a lot so your not alone x

12-04-12, 19:10
Yes I have been having those - weird sensation - have put mine down to coming off antidepressants the last 2 weeks also anxiety - feels as if my brain is fizzing? very strange - think they are called brain zaps also!

12-04-12, 19:37
Yes I have been having those - weird sensation - have put mine down to coming off antidepressants the last 2 weeks also anxiety - feels as if my brain is fizzing? very strange - think they are called brain zaps also!

'Brain zaps' describes them to a T....Lol A bit like an electric shock yet you're not plugged in to anything.

I had one this a.m. not come off any tabs but have a lot of stress a.t.m.
I think it helps to keep hydrated also, at least we are not alone.

12-04-12, 19:39
thanks everyone :hugs:

12-04-12, 19:41
They are weird - I never before now had them in my life but have read about them and tbh never knew they had a name.

You do find out alot on this site/

12-04-12, 20:02
I've been having these nearly every day since January! Really want them to stop they make me so much more anxious and that in turn keeps me lightheaded all the time!

The day I realise these things have stopped is the day I celebrate :(

13-04-12, 09:46
Yes get this quite a lot. I always used to think the worst( that it was something to do with my heart) but apparently adrenalin can cause this effect so I reassure myself that's just a rush of anxiety.