View Full Version : No faith in meds

03-07-06, 09:31
When I first became ill I started on Prozac. I thought "I've actually felt miserable most of my life, if these work I can be happy at last"

I was warned that I'd feel worse before I felt better and so when I started feeling rough I hung on in there.

I had the most horrendous time on Prozac. I had a constant headache, my nose felt numb, I felt unreal, I felt very aggressive, the skin on my hands began peeling and one of my toes turned black. I came off them after about 6 weeks and felt a bit better straight away.

I came off them over two years ago and I still have trouble with feeling unreal now. I actually wonder if I would be better by now if I hadn't taken the meds at all.

Doctors have tried putting me on other stuff since then, but I've lost faith with anti-depressants. I know that they only mask the symptoms. Sure I could do with some respite from feeling so awful all the time, but I just feel like I'd rather get to the root of my problems without medication.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

03-07-06, 09:47
Hia i know how you feel:)
Years ago when this first started i went on medication and after a while i felt great but i wasnt offered any sort of counselling and when i came off them up it flared again.It eventually settled down and i got on with life.Three years ago it reared its ugly head again and i tried meds again but they made me unable to function and when you have kiddies you need to be able to function.I dont take meds at all now and im waiting for CBT therapy.I still have the symptoms and i have agoraphobia but at least im fully aware and able to function to the best of my ability at the moment if you understand what i mean ...lol.I get the feeling of being unreal and its probably just coincidence it started at the time you were taking meds:).Meds work brilliant for some people and lots benefit from them but i think others can get through without meds it depends on the person and the circumstances.
Im with you on getting to the bottom of it without meds if possible by doing therapy ect.
Take care cheryl xx

03-07-06, 11:25
I used to take Seroxat which didn't help me.
What works for one person doesn't always work for someone else and what doesn't work for one works for another.

Take care



03-07-06, 15:43
You can recover without the use of meds.

If you have had a bad time on them and don't like the idea of being on them then keep remembering that it is possible without.