View Full Version : Faintness on waking - pllease help

13-04-12, 09:28
Don't know if this is the right bit of the forum for this

Woke up in the middle of the night and as I woke I got this overwhelming feeling like I was going to pass out/die. There was not panicky feeling and my chest wasn't tight at all, but it has scared the crap out of me ... I still feel unwell at the moment.

Does anyone else know what this is, or have you experienced it ? I'm at my wits end over it :(

13-04-12, 12:24
Sounds a bit like night terrors to me. I think what often happens when we wake in the night, we're not properly awake and therefore things don't seem real. Also, while we're sleeping our blood pressure drops, so if you wake quickly you might be aware of that, which can make you feel disorientated.

Hope this helps

13-04-12, 13:14
Hi i have this sometimes i wake up and feel like im about to die its scary, really horrible but its just a horrible feeling thats all it cant do nothing i used to panic when i got this now i try to stay calm and try to distract myself or sit it out till i get back to sleep coz i know it will pass hope your ok :)

13-04-12, 16:02
Thanks so much for your answers, I have just been so very scared about this ...... knowing I am the not the only one who gets this is a bit more comforting. I'm used to feeling like that when I wake up and sit up, but when it happens the second you awake and you nearly pass out it is so freaky :(