View Full Version : So scared of dying.

13-04-12, 09:39
I am so scared of dying. So scAred of feeling this way.
Im scared of getting a brain Tum, scared of gettin a stroke, scared of gettin a heart attack. I can't take this anymore :( these problems don't just effect older folks, young people in their twenties can get a stroke too :(
I am seriously freakkng out right now :(

I'm 24 I'll be 25 soon. And I am so worried about gettig a stroke.

I haven't been eating very healthy. I'm so worried please skmeone help me.

I've had ringing in the ears all night :( its almost 4 am and I can sleep cause I'm scared of the ringing in my ears.
I've been on Zoloft for 5 or 6 weeks and I don't feel anxiety free yet.

I'm So worried :(
I'm so worried about high blood pressure , getting a heart attack or a stroke .

Also scared of gettig cancer because I have had two cat scans . I've had a cat scan on my head and a cat scan on my stomach. And Im only 24! I heard that some people got exposed to extra radiation and I heard cat scans cause cancer.

I just don't want to die. :(
I can't take living like this anymore. I want to feel SAFE!

13-04-12, 09:53
Me too - but it is subsiding as time goes on. My worries always are heart related as I get palpitaions and missed beats all the time but have had tests on my heart which come back normal.

Last year I was where you are now and could barely leave the house as I was so afraid of just keeling over. I could barely sleep for the fear of passing away in the night and my daughter finding me in the morning. However, although I get these feelings still they are fewer and I can push them away easier when they come. There is no easy answer but getting on with life as it is is the best solution for me. I now try to think "yes I may collapse, but if I do, someone will help me and we will worry about it when it happens." I try very hard not to let my anxiety stop me from getting on with things now. Its hard but time heals. This will pass for you too and things will get easier. :hugs:

13-04-12, 10:09
Hey worried girl.....

What dose are you on? I'm guessing you shouldn't be feeling so uptight after that time frame.
We are all afraid of those things. Your state of mind is causing you to think too hard about these issues. Imagine that there were no thoughts whatsoever in your mind.............there wouldn't be any fear would there. Well this is what the meds do when they work. Zoloft was my first ever experience with medication, I took it for 9 months to get through post natal depression. I was really really bad, I thought I was going to die. Zoloft gave me life like better than ever in my whole life. I remember saying to my husband that I had no idea this is how normal people live! I was on about week 3 and wasn't alot better and my dr put me up to 200 mg! Within the space of an hr I woke up! It was like the heavens rained down on me.....that saying, I realise now 200 is a very high dose and wouldn't recommend it but perhaps you could go a bit higher then what your on? Or maybe there's a better one for you? If you choose an SSRI you can go straight from one to the other and the kick in time will be reduced.

Hang in there. You wil feel better soon.

Kel x

13-04-12, 11:04
I really feel for you and know exactly what you are going through, every day i wake up and dread what symptoms i will get. I'm constantly thinking that i'm going to die and panic about my Blood Pressure all the time, any sensation i get in my head straight away it sends me into blind panic about my blood pressure. Like you i worry about strokes, heart attacks, brain tumors etc i'm 34, i get daily head pressure, plugged ears, woozyness, tingling in my face and head and am convinced i don't have long left. I'm not on meds because i worry about side effects. Hang in there it does get better. xx

13-04-12, 12:00
We all understand how you are feeling as we have all been there and most of us are there to a degree all the time.

Could the ringing in your ears be a side effect of the medication?? Worth looking at the info - if it is you can either wait and see if it goes as you get used to the meds or change to a different one.

The hardest thing we have to confront is that no one is safe ever:lac:and just reading this can make us freak but sadly it is true.

We cannot control our health totally and I am totally convinced that our problem is actually just an aspect of Obsessive compulsive disorder just we focus on health.

I have had it since I was a child and I find the severity comes and goes. I usually have up to 3 bad episodes a year lasting for weeks at a time. I am in one at the moment as just one night being unable to get to sleep has sent me into tailspin.

Obviously you have explained to your Dr how you feel as you have been fiven Zoloft maybe you could ask for a referral for some CBT therapy as well.