View Full Version : Omg panicked out today.....why?

13-04-12, 17:42
So I woke up pretty good today and I had a PARACETAMOL as I had a really bad headache....made sure it wasn't one of those ones with caffiene in them....my congestion, night coughing attacks have been bad so I've tried to be careful with the stuff I'm taking.....

I went out with the husband and kids and the whole way around town my heart was going about 100 miles an hour....I even said to my husband my hearts banging, even standing still....

Now I'm scared this is all going to go from HA to Social as well......after being home for an hour or so it's slowed back down again.

Do you any of you get this? I wasn't worried or anything but as my left ears bungged up as well I was really aware of my heartbeat as I can constantly hear it in that ear at the moment,.....

So fed up with this at the min.....

13-04-12, 17:47
The main thing here is not to make a new fear... if you fear going out ,incase what happened today happens again, then you will start to feel anx at the thought of going out.... see this as a one off, your under the weather, so didnt feel good while out.... next time youll be fine, as you usually are !!!

14-04-12, 08:27
I know your right Stormsky...its just that never happened before..i dont have a fear of being out...infact i find my anxiety is better when im out of the house...i just couldnt figure out what triggered it to start....

your prob right...feeling a bit horrid....


14-04-12, 09:18
Hey Em.

I have had the same experiences especially when unwell....you're already anxious and tee it up with not liking being sick and then going out in the hustle and bustle you're sure to get a racing heart! Your body would've just thought you were exercising that's all no harm done. It knew how to settle once you felt calm and relaxed so there's no issues with your heart, it sounds very responsive and healthy! Could you also be dehydrated? I know sometimes when this has happened to me I haven't had much water throughout previous days.....and when your unwell the body's demand for fluids almost doubles!

You will be just fine and this episode will be long forgotten before you know it.

Kel xx

14-04-12, 09:30
Hi Kel.....

Hope your well? :hugs:

I prob havnt had enough water as I should have which could of been the reason for the headache,....I've been drinking loads of it this morning as I'm out this afternoon to the pub for the Grand National. Just hope it doesn't kick in again,...I'm gonna try not to think about it when getting into town as I know if I do it will kick start something lol.....


14-04-12, 10:02
I'm plodding along ok em, thanks for asking.
If you get out and your heart wants to race, that's cool, let it race. It's been doing what it wants since you were conceived!!! It knows very well how to slow as it does race. Sometimes if mine races and it upsets me I'll say over and over in my head in a very slow pace.....slowly Kelley, slowly Kelley, slowly Kelley until soon enough my heart takes this rythum.....I must say though that since I've been taking good doses of a good magnesium supplement I never get a racing heart unnecessarily anymore!! In fact it beats quite slow these days I panic thinking it has stopped!!! My resting rate has gone down to somewhere near 55 bpm! I couldn't recommend magnesium enough. You know it's a natural beta blocker??
I hope you have lovely time tonight and smile more than you frown

Kel xx