View Full Version : Heat, panic and other problems

03-07-06, 10:20
A lot of us have posted with regard to the problems we have with the current heatwave in the UK (especially down here in London - it's like a sauna here today and it's only 10am!!)

Apart from the panicky sensations, which I always get in the heat, I seem to be having a case of mild diahorrea in the mornings, accompanied by an aching lower back, aching arms and legs, a dull headache, and more irritatingly pinging pains in my ribs cage. Sometimes I feel as if my whole body is swelling up (it isn't but it feels like it). I put it down to tension from the anxiety aggravated by the heat.

Anyone else experience this?

Swelteringly yours.


03-07-06, 11:21
Hi, I'm up in Stoke and it's really hot here too. There is no breeze at all and that makes it feel all the more hotter.
I love the heat but this is way too hot for me. With there not being any breeze I feel like I can't breathe.

Take care



03-07-06, 18:08
hiya i think the heat makes the anxiety alot worse!i live down in devon and although it hasn,t been as hot as the midlands and london i,m still sweltering at 6o clock!!!my daughter has had an upset stomach for the last few days which i think is heat related!take care rachelx x x

marie ross
03-07-06, 18:12

I'm in Nottingham and its way to hot, theres no breeze at all.

I've been experiencing tummy troubles as well, so i'm watching what i eat and drinking loads of water.

Roll on winter....please!!!!!!

Take care.

Marie XXX

04-07-06, 08:33
I can't wait for autumn and winter either - I'd rather be too cold and get warm than the other way round.

It looks as (if the weather forecast is right) there might be a downpour in the offing. If there is I think for once I will go out and stand in it and get thoroughly wet!!

Thanks for the replies.


april tones
04-07-06, 12:08
Hi doorabella and others

I have started a post about fears of sunstroke
i have never felt as panicky as i do in the ehat
dont remember it really bothering me before but is this yr
hope it wont get hotter than 32
im near midlands and its 32 xxx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

04-07-06, 17:56
Hi - Im in bournemouth and it was 25 by ll am this morning and I have had upset tummy and headache for days and sicky feeling which I am sure is all due to the heat.

I have drunk 8 pints of water today and still feel c**p so its the heat and we are all suffering together - come on rain!!! xx