View Full Version : home alone!

happy feet
13-04-12, 19:37
hi im new to all this but was wondering if anyone has tips on not freaking out when you get anxious and are home alone. was diagnosed 2 years ago with anxiety, its been a journey to date. i remember feeling so horrible for so long but the last year i have made a remarkable recovery and am doing things i never did before i had anxiety issues. Its just the remaining niggling anxiety that has dug its heels in and sends me into despair especially when alone, really frustrating, scary thoughts come back, and general fuzzyness.
would appreciate some help

13-04-12, 22:05
hi i think most people with anxiety dont like being alone..theres a section on this forum where you can do quizzes and play games. Doing that can help when your not feeling too good...or chatting on a chat programme to someone helps too...hope youre feeling ok now x

13-04-12, 22:26
I guess it makes me feel safer , reminding myself I do have family near by , friends, etc. .
If any really bad was to happen help is only a phone call away.
But I still get anxious when I'm alone .
So I just watch t. V or chat online until I'm tired enough to sleep.

happy feet
13-04-12, 22:35
thanks for the reply, as quick as it came it went again, got distracted for a while. funny aul brain sometimes.

13-04-12, 23:46
Ha ya it's like you forget to be anxious :)

14-04-12, 00:02
Hi there

I think you worked out the best way - distraction. Also, try to enjoy the time on your own by doing things you enjoy that maybe others wouldn't. Watch a tv programme you like, come on here and post or put your feet up and read a book. Whatever you fancy. Being on your own now and again can be quite enjoyable.

Pip x

14-04-12, 09:21
I get this a lot....my husbands been off for a week so far so have got used to him being around which I love as it helps with the kids etc etc and with the anxiety I have felt more at ease knowing he's around...

He popped out the other day for 2 hours...within mins the panic, shaking started setting in.....I just got up and started to do the housework....distraction is good but obv the physical symptoms still occur...I just try and get on with it which is easier said than done def....


14-04-12, 14:20
I'm at my worst when I'm alone, but I do try to distract myself, I keep a journal so if I get bad thoughts, I write them down, somehow seeing it in ink, makes it seem less scary.