View Full Version : DVT worries tonight

13-04-12, 22:47
Help guys.
I have a pain in my left calf, a tightness/niggling pain.
Im very worried its a dvt. No swelling, redness or heat that I can see. I'm on the contraceptive pill so I know tat increases my chances.
Should i take a trip to a&e?

13-04-12, 22:52
I am not a doctor but I don't think you need to go to A&E for slight calf pain. I get it a lot, sometimes I sleep funny, or I pull something without realising when I walk.

If the pain gets worse by all means call the out of hours doctor or NHS direct, but I wouldnt be rushing to A&E :)

I hope you feel better soon.

13-04-12, 22:53
Get a hot water bottle on it

Don't think it warrants A&E though

13-04-12, 23:30
Hi there,

You posted about something similar in December - is this the same and did it go away on its own?

Pip x

14-04-12, 17:35
Well despite posting that last night, I still have the worry today. Its a prickly, sharp feeling in the leg which seems to be worse at times than others. I have been able to walk on it today so it isn't that bad but I keep wondering if I do have a dvt & then of course I think it will travel to my lung & kill me.
Apparentley once its there, doctors cant do anything about it.
Should I go to a&e tonight? I'm scared...I have no redness or swelling as yet but I do have a strange twitching sensation in the leg, like restless leg syndrome I suppose, but i dont suffer from that.
I know not everyone experiences the classic symptoms. I am on birth control as mentioned earlier but I don't smoke & I'm not really over weight - maybe slightly but nothing drastic.

14-04-12, 17:42
No you don't need to go to A&E.

If you are worried call the out of hours doc and let them see you but it doesn't sound like a DVT to me

14-04-12, 17:49
Hi there,

You posted about something similar in December - is this the same and did it go away on its own?

Pip x

Yes they were the same but im worried ive had it all this time

---------- Post added at 17:49 ---------- Previous post was at 17:44 ----------

No you don't need to go to A&E.

If you are worried call the out of hours doc and let them see you but it doesn't sound like a DVT to me

How do i find a number for out of hours doctor?

14-04-12, 18:09
Call your Doctor's surgery and there will be answer machine message with details

Failing that go to a walk-in-clinic

14-04-12, 18:10
If you have had it since December then it won't be a DVT as something would have happened by now. Please be reassured by that

14-04-12, 18:18
Don't worry.......please

I always get leg calf pain....like I've been in high heels the night before,,,,I really wouldn't worry...you prob slept in a strange position...I wouldn't say to visit A&E for it....you'll end up sitting there for hours and hours for nothing .....


14-04-12, 19:49
Hi there,

Like Nicola says, if you've had the pain since December, it can't be DVT as it would have got much more serious by now. Have you mentioned it to your GP over the past few months?

Pip x

14-04-12, 21:10
Nicola: i had the same pain in December but it went away, now its back. And slightly different this time.

Girls, im not sure if I should come off the pill altogether. I'm getting an appointment with my doc next week to talk about changing as being on yasmin is one of the strongest 3rd generation pills which has been predisposed as 25 out of 10,000 chance of developing dvt compared to 15 in the same number on the second generation pills.
My acne has been the clearest its ever been since being on yasmin - been on 2 years and a few months.
I've heard horror stories about acne flaring up ridiculously when you come off but im too scared about this dvt risk. I'm so scared i will drop down dead. A girl I knew from school does of dvt/pe 3 years ago so that plays on my mind.

---------- Post added at 19:55 ---------- Previous post was at 19:50 ----------


---------- Post added at 21:10 ---------- Previous post was at 19:55 ----------

How do I know I haven't got it?

14-04-12, 21:52
youd be in exruciating pain wouldnt be able to walk or type
calf would swell double in size and be red hot to touch x

14-04-12, 22:19
Yes, you really would know. I know it can be scary when you read the possible side effects of medications but the chances of the pill causing DVT are incredibly slim. I think you've also identified why you're worrying about this - the girl at school. Obviously this will make you think about it more but, as I said, it's very rare.

Take care

Pip x

15-04-12, 08:53
hi i had 2 blood clots and they was in my lung and didnt kill me, im sure it isnt a blood clot but always best to get checked belive me you would know ive never had pain like it b4, child birth was a breeze compared to that hope you feel better soon xx

15-04-12, 16:12
Ok so took a trip to out of hours doc today. He felt my leg & said it didn't feel like dvt although not sure you can tell by just looking & feeling.
I'm actually coming off the pill from today cos of the increased risk which the doctor mentioned today :(