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View Full Version : Had enough :( need to know whats going on

14-04-12, 11:36
I'm at breaking point, I thought a good result from my MRI would be the end of it all, so why all these symptoms still, muscle aches/prickling/burning skin, cramps, twitching, dry eyes, metallic taste in my mouth...:( I can;t stand it. My doctor has refered me back to the neuro again, and the fear of what he will say, want to do is just too much. Have been put on beta blockers to help with my panic over it all but they don't really help. I feel like I will be diagnosed with something horrible and I will never be well again. :weep:

14-04-12, 11:43
Trouble with HA, is no matter how many tests you have, and how many good results you get back, you will always find something else to worry you have.. it never ends.

You need to get help with the actual HA, help to stop the obsessive worrying over every aspect of your health.. Or youll never get on with living your life..

All the symptons your still getting, is the anxiety, stress your putting your mind through...as it manifests into your body too....

14-04-12, 11:59
Thanks Stormsky, I am starting CBT in a month or so. Just wish I could go back to how I was 6 months ago. Everything is such a struggle at the moment.

14-04-12, 14:42
Hi jade,

I get a lot of these symptoms too, tingling numbness left side face and leg and sometimes scalp. lightheadedness, burning sensations and recently a lot of twitching, I've also seen a neurologist and had a ct scan all clear but I'm not convinced either it's so hard to accept anxiety can do all this it's driving me mad, I wish it would go away! I'm waiting fo another appointment with my neurologist too and that's really worrying me xx

Your not alone xx

14-04-12, 23:49
Hi Jade,

I know how hard it is to accept that the symptoms that make us feel so ill are caused by anxiety but they often are. It took me a very long time to realise this and I lost so much time worrying and looking for diagnoses. All along, it was anxiety staring for in the face but I just couldn't see it, despite doctors telling me this. I just didn't believe them.

As soon as I accepted this, my symptoms immediately improved. I'm not saying they have disappeared - I felt pretty ill today but I knew that it was anxiety and ignored it. In previous times, I would have convinced myself it was something serious and gone to bed, only to end up feeling much worse.

I truly know how hard this is to accept and that it's only you who can make that leap of faith. If I could make it happen for you, I would.

Take care

Pip xx

15-04-12, 15:33
Thanks for the replies, I just keep thinking, that they only scanned my brain, what about my neck and spine, what if they missed something??

15-04-12, 15:47
Hello Jade, i think it's important you tell our doctor
that you need extra tests if you are not convinced
a i know this too as i often feel like sometimes doctors
don't listen to me either as they put it down to anxiety
but i find it's best to always try to get them to understand
as i get so frustrated too.