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View Full Version : Prescribed Propranolol 80mg Sustained Release - panicking !

14-04-12, 12:14
Am hoping someone can help me .... my doctor wants my to try taking Propranolol 80mg Sustained Release capsules, and although upset I decided I would take the bull by the horns and ty them.

When I read the patient leaflet though, I looked at the side effects listed and saw that one of them ( quite high up on the list ) is heart failure ........ I am beyond scared now and cannot even bring myself to touch the packet let alone take the tablets !

Feeling so miserable :(

14-04-12, 12:20
Prop is just a beta-blocker, takes away the physical symptoms of anxiety. You don't need to worry, not ever heard anyone getting a heart failure.

At worse, it may make you feel a bit colder and slightly spaced out. 80mg slow release is pretty much average dose.

I have taken 40 x3 previously without any problems.

take care

14-04-12, 12:30
Thanks for the fast reply. I think it just makes it worse when you have a problem with anxiety and you see that written on the leaflet ! I just don't know how to get past the fear of taking them, as my mind keeps saying that if I take them and something like that happens that it will be my own fault ....

I hate anxiety so much :weep:

14-04-12, 14:43
Try not to worry, you will feel so much better once you start taking them, as the control the physical symptoms of anxiety which in turn helps you get your head a bit straighter! I actually have some mild heart problems, and have actually felt quite reassured since taking them as my heart beat has come back to some kind of normal, which is such a relief!

14-04-12, 14:46
Thanks Bea66, that is actually quite reassuring to hear. I just wish they wouldn't put stuff like that on the patient leaflets .... way to scare the patients ! :scared15: