View Full Version : scared dont know wat to do

14-04-12, 12:42
hi ive got to go on a bus to see my daughter today and im scared incase i have another panic attack as a couple of weeks ago i had to go and see a pshycatricist at local hospital and when i was getting off the bus i had a panic attack and now every time i think about going on a bus i get anmxuiose and scared can any one give me any advice as to get thro it as ikeep thinking about not going to see her but i know i have to overcome the fear and i know i cant keep avoiding it so can any one give me some advice and tell me that nothing will happen to me if i go thk you

14-04-12, 12:55
Hello tricia. What you need to remember is it wasn't the bus that made you feel panicked. It was the thought of seeing the psychiatrist that made you anxious. Have you got a ipod etc. Put your fave songs on or read a good book for the journey and you will be just fine. Maybe take a bottle of water with you and you can also use it to dab a bit of water on your temples if you feel a bit anxious.

Good luck. You know you can do it. don't let the anxiety get the better of you. You own it and it cannot ever hurt you remember that.

Darren x

14-04-12, 13:00
i no its hard, but try & distract yourself in some way, & think about seeing your daughter & what you are going to do, concentrate on your breathing & you will forget about the panic.
Let us know how you get on

14-04-12, 13:01
thk u darren im going to go and ill let u know how i get on so thk u again