View Full Version : Anxiety and Cannabis.

14-04-12, 13:28
A couple of days ago I found out that I have moderate anxiety and have been prescribed propranolol. I've had symptoms for over 2 years so it is a relief to get diagnosed. At present, I smoke cannabis once or twice a week but when I first noticed something was wrong, I rarely smoked (maybe once every 3 months, if that).

My doctor was aware that I smoked weekly and did not mention anything about the cause of the anxiety or did not say to stop.

My questions are, how likely is cannabis to have been the cause for the anxiety?
Should I stop smoking completely?

Cheers for any help

14-04-12, 13:35
Hey alexalexalex, I used to smoke cannabis heavily, but once I developed anxiety, I had to stop completely as I found it exacerbated it, but everybody is different. I know a fair few people who say it helps with anxiety, relaxes them and increases their appetite.

I think even if you have the smallest thought that it may be cannabis, you should lay off it for the sake of getting the anxiety sorted. You can always start again if you feel that it isn't the cause :)

Hope this helps even the smallest amount :)

14-04-12, 13:42
Cheers for the response. I take regular breaks from smoking and never noticed my anxiety getting better or worse during these times. I'll cut down and possibly stop altogether for now until the end of summer, unless its a big event or a rare treat.

14-04-12, 14:17
No worries, it's different with everyone, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

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15-04-12, 05:56
Good responses, I am glad to see people aren't doom merchants with the 'OMG don't!!!' -- the replies roughly reflect my experience. I would say that in relatively stable times pot is a mood enhancer and fun, and a creative tool. I like it, however when dealing with anxiety my confidence is crap, my sensitivity to weed is different and staying away is what I do.... another day.... maybe enjoy it again, I have not issue with it in principle and it does not represent some monstrous thing to me. Jus that I'm too sensitive right now, too many flip flops in mood plus taking meds is another layer where I feel pretty cautious to not indulge. Val