View Full Version : Help?

14-04-12, 13:37
19 male and have had anxiety and depression for 7 months! When I was younger I watched a little gay porn however in the last year I got a gf and began to have obsessive thoughts that I might be gay! This has made me really anxious cause my gf means a lot to me! I've been with my gf for about a yr now and at the start it was perfect but then these thoughts got very bad! I have been on celexa and have been getting cbt and I have improved greatly! I panick whether I'm really gay or whether it's just hocd! I try and reassure myself all the time! I am attracted to girls and my gf and I don't fancy like brass Pitt and bradly Cooper etc in a sexual way at all! I want to have a family and kids with my gf he is amazing! Can anyone help what's going on? Thanks reply ASAP!