View Full Version : Help i have tonsillitis and cannot sleep :(

14-04-12, 13:50
im 16 its my first time to ever have tonsillitis and im scared, im not sleeping because it hurt. Only my left side is inflamed however it is causing very pain full earache in my left ear, i would like to know if there is anything i can do as i am already using antibiotics i started them today, paracetamol and ibuprofen. i cant eat i cant even drink it hurts that much i'm getting about 3 hours sleep for the past two nights :( is there any way of making my self feel better so i can sleep ?

14-04-12, 14:00

Sorry to hear your in so much pain! I remember suffering a few bouts of tonsillitis when I was 16 also! The antibiotics really should give you some relief by the morning..if you are taking ibuprofen and paracetamol then there's really nothing else you can have....honey has anti inflammatory properties so maybe take some off a teaspoon and drink cups of tea with honey. You can gargle some salty water to help kill the bacteria too.... Just hang in there, it will get better real soon. You'll be ok. Have a nice bath to relax.


14-04-12, 22:30
Thank you for your helpful tips but what ever i do the pain wont stop im now going on to night three of not being able to sleep i feel like a zombie nothing's helping im getting worse and worse :(:(

14-04-12, 22:39
Takes a couple days for anti biotics to kick in, you should feel better hopefully by tomorrow night... nothing more you can do for now, try and sleep.. but if you cant , rest assured you will be able to hopefully tomorrow

14-04-12, 22:46
If you started taking your antibiotics today you should feel noticeably less pain when you try and sleep tomorrow night - but I understand what you're going through I had constantly then ended up having to have them out. If you do get it often I recommend getting them out. It's horrible, but utter f***ing bliss when they're gone.

Right now though, without taking more than the recommended dosage, make sure you have taken enough paracetamol & ibuprofen - I found taking paracetamol then 2 hours later ibuprofen and so on was the only way to not be in total pain. If you have done that, I suggest you just try to stay awake. Watch TV or a film, or go on facebook, anything to take your mind off it a bit. I doubt you'll be able to concentrate on reading but give it a go. Also, whatever you do, get a glass of warm milk and drink it. This will A help you sleep and B is known to ease the pain of tonsilitis. I do mean ease ...it's not a miracle cure! Hope you feel better soon ;)

14-04-12, 22:46
Aw - I hope you start feeling better really soon.


14-04-12, 22:53
Hi there,

I know it can be really painful but it will soon go. My GP told me to use soluble aspirin instead of ibuprofen and gargle with them and then swallow - it really helped. Don't take with ibuprofen though as they interact.

Get well soon

Pip x

14-04-12, 23:29
Sometimes the antibiotics they prescribe these days aren't always correct. Drs won't take a swab of your throat and test for antibiotic resistance so it can be a bit of hit and miss. If you have been on them for a few days and it's getting worse or no better I would assume that it's not the right antibiotic for the type of bacteria in your throat. Prob a good idea to pop back to see a dr and ask for a different one. From experience, I never allow the dr to prescribe my kids amoxicillin for throat and ear infections because it just doesn't work.

Hope you feel better soon. Don't stress, you'll be ok.


15-04-12, 16:04
thank you all im feeling a bit better today.. what i found the best way to help me sleep was being a little kid again and my daddy gave me a cuddle in bed and calmed me down and cuddled me till i fell asleep :)