View Full Version : something else to worry about?!!

03-07-06, 11:52
hi everyone...
my current disease this week is cervical cancer,i had my last smear 3 and a half years ago..current guidelines in my area are every 5 years at my age (26)...im worried as i started spotting last week(week and a bit too early for period) and had pains low down...been to docs twice already...she doesnt think its anything maybe infection so she did a swab and examination(though i know i pressured her into it)...then asked if i could have a smear done early but she didnt look happy as i gather she thinks im just being my usual over reactive self...but im now becoming obsessed and know im not gonna be happy till i get the smear done!
just wondering how often does everyone else get these done and do you think im being over reactive and should wait till next month and see what happens...worse is since ive had this problem ive read magazines which have articles about it and every where i look even telly this morning had a feature about cervical cancer....god why does this happen you think you are getting over one thing then bang another smacks you in the face....
sorry to go on

03-07-06, 12:45
I think you are right to push for another smear. I know exactly how you feel. I haven't done cervical cancer yet but I have "had" lots of other illnesses. Last year, I was totally convinced that I had bowel cancer and eventually persuaded my doctor to refer me for a number of nasty tests!

I know exactly how it feels - you are just not convinced until all the tests prove you wrong. As a smear test will prove this to you, I don't see why they can't give it to you. I am from Surrey and we have them every 3 years here anyway - it just depends where you live.

Good luck!

Jo Fitzgerald

03-07-06, 13:24
In my area the tests are every 3 years, but I have anual tests because I had some funny cells a few years ago. If your doctor is being difficult you could try a family planning clinic as they do smears.
Love Helen

03-07-06, 13:54
In the US pap smears are done annually from the time you are sexually active. I'm surprised they're every 5 years there. I guess it's just different practices since we do live on opposite continents ;). Try not to worry too much, cervical cancer is very rare in someone as young as you. Take care.


04-07-06, 11:05
I think in my area they are 3 yearly. I know NHS are changing their guidelines for when smears are done to avoid false positive results especially on younger women, so this could be why your GP is reluctant.

I work in a private hospital (BMI) in the health screen department (admin/typing). You can get a smear done privately - at our hospital its £80 - however you get a half hour appointment with a doctor including an examination, a chance to discuss any concerns, and the smear is performed by a doctor, not a nurse. Results are usually back in about 2 weeks (rather than the 2 months + that you have to wait on NHS).

You don't need to go via GP to book a private appointment, and your GP will get a copy of your smear result for their records.

I know this is a lot of money, but may be an alternative for you to consider and what price is peace of mind???? You may find better prices locally - we are close to London and I think this is reflected in charges for our area generally.

If I can help at all, don't hesitate to contact me.

Caroline xx

PS: We have lots of women in with your symptoms, but in the 3 + years I've been doing this, I've not known anyone have anything nasty! Hope this reassures you a bit.

04-07-06, 21:04
I have them every year as 12 yrs ago i had treatment for abnormal cells. My mum and sis have the same. My sister had spotting, especially after sex, the doc examined her & turned out she had an erosion on the cervix. The doc told her to tell her hubby to not be so rough in bed lol
Doctors are good & have a fair idea when you explain symptoms if its anything to worry about. If you really want to have a pap test im sure she would. Go back & have a word. It can take 20 yrs for cells to turn cancerous apparently, this is why tests are sufficiant 5 years apart.
Caz xxxxxxx

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