View Full Version : Blood on stool....TMI Warning.

14-04-12, 14:09
Ok. This seems to be never ending. Since January I had felt like something was stuck in my rectum. I was also getting strange shooting pains in my rectum too.

Prior to this I had a dull pain in my left side under my ribs, I've had blood tests, a scan where they put the jelly on and run the had held thing over it as well as a chest/rib x ray and everything all clear. I still have this left side thing going on now.

Anwyays back to the rectum issue.

I gave it about 6 weeks to see if it would pass and the sensation would ease up and then come on again.

When it came on for the last time Mid March I thought enough is enough and went to the doctor.

I've only seen blood once and that was when I was at the Gym. My bum started burning after 30 minutes on the treadmill and I went to the bathroom to wipe and I saw a bit of blood on the tissue along with liquidy mucus brown stuff.

My GP did a rectal exam and told me everything was ok. He put the blood in the gym down to a fissure.

Fast forward to today. For the past few weeks the sensation has totally gone away of something being stuck in my rectum. The shooting pains have gone too.

I just went to the bathroom and did a number 2. The first 1/4 was very hard and formed of bits and the other 3/4 was soft. On the front quarter that was hard there was blood. I got the stool in the tissue and the blood was bright red. Cue total panic.

The blood was not inside the stool but was around the bits. It was not a huge amount of blood just a trace really.

Anyways my other halfs mum is a nurse at a proctologist office in the States. My GF called her mum and her mum said don't worry its piles. But I just had the doctor do a rectal exam and all was clear.

I have had no weight loss and don't feel fatigued. I actually feel ok apart from the panic that this could be something serious.

Anyone experienced / experiencing anything like this at all ?

I would have thought that if I had piles there would be associated pain that I'm not getting.

Looking forward to your responses.


14-04-12, 14:18
It is likely to be a pile and/or a fissure that is causing this and I have had both and neither gave me pain just lots of blood.

I was given some suppositories and it soon healed up again.

14-04-12, 14:53
Thanks for the response Nicola. There is a definite connection between the hard stool and blood. I do remember an incident before I had the feeling of something stuck up my rectum back in November of there being a bit of blood with this very hard dry stool comes out. I never really thought about it then.

I'm trying to tell myself if it first happened in November and we're now in April approaching May that if it was something serious I might have felt a bit ill by this point.

My doctor did say that if I was having continual episodes of bleeding or constant diaorreah to come back and see him. I have no Diaorreah and I'm praying to God that I don't see blood again.