View Full Version : wooshy head

14-04-12, 15:11
ok so here i am again, for the last few days i have been experiencing a wooshy type head feeling a bit dizzy but not the spinning kind, i have not had a period for 6 or so weeks which i am never regular anyhow, could this be a symptom that i am about to have one? i am petrified it could be a brain tumour my husband thinks im mad and i really cannot go to the doctors as i have been there every 2 weeks just lately and i am far to embarassed to go again, i feel like im obsessed with cancer and i even look at my kids and imagine what im going to tell them when i get diagnosed, because im always ill with "something" nobody takes me seriously anymore and i am just becoming a pain to my family. :weep::weep::weep::weep:
just want to add its not all of the time but seems to come on in patches, yesterday whilst at work i hardly noticed it and it was only there a few times x

14-04-12, 22:43

I have a feeling like i'm going to pass out (head rush / wooshy feeling) quite a lot and feel dizzy for most of the day.....not to mention a long list of other symptoms! I've felt like this for ages.

I too have the same fear as you but I've been reassured it's anxiety and these are super common symptoms.....they must be because the two of us and the rest of the people on here can't all have a brain tumour!!

....and as you added at the end when you are distracted at work you hardly noticed it....brain tumours don't pick and chose suitable times to display their symptoms! .......wish i could follow my own advice!!!

Hope this helps to give you the much needed reassurance us anxiety sufferers all crave!!!
Sarah xxx

14-04-12, 22:50
Anxiety can cause light headed feelings...meds can too...
Not sure how old you are, could you be peri menopausal?
When your distracted you feel fine, thats because when distracted we are living in the real world and not in our heads.... so that shows your health is ok, its the time you spend when your not distracted, the time your over thinking, thats when you feel the symptons