View Full Version : Not strong enough

Polar Bear
14-04-12, 15:11
Hi All

This is one of those times when I feel I've hit rock bottom. So stressed out. Have had some changes recently including a new dog (6 months old and very lively). Its been very hard for the past week trying to train her. Had lively dogs before so this is just one factor in how I'm feeling.

I just don't feel strong enough for this world. There's too much aggression, arrogance and too many people who couldn't care less for anyone else but themselves. I feel I get walked all over. Why can't people live in peace with each other. I just can't get to grips with this world. I've got no energy and I just don't fit into this world, a world I hate!

Have been on citalopram but not for a while. I'm having counselling which has helped me over the last year or so but had anxiety for so long this is so tough to break. I tell myself I can't go on like this but I can't stop worrying and I'm worn out!

Please tell me I can gain some peace and contentment.



14-04-12, 15:49
please dont despair.,..most of us on the forum are going through a tough time...stay here make new friends and lets all support each other xx

14-04-12, 17:40
I completely understand how you feel about this world. I'm becoming to hate it more than ever, the way we live today is terrible, internet, facebook, drunk kids, childish politics, money, all this crap is really getting to me. I cant stop thinking about how I was born at the wrong time, I should have been born in 1920 or something, a time with decent people.

I just want to run away from it all and live in a remote area or something where I dont have to deal with people and can just live in peace.

Polar Bear
14-04-12, 19:57
Thanks Both.

Yes definitely need some support and should give some back too. It's a strange position we all find ourselves in.

Willy - definitely agree about wanting to live somewhere remote or in a different age. I long for a gentler world than this!

Feeling very shaky this evening. Trying to stay calm and keep this dreaded adrenaline at bay.


14-04-12, 20:15
Hi Mike,

When you suffer from anxiety as we all do, the world can seem pretty gloomy as we look around and often it appears that we're on our own. I certainly understand whet you mean.

My view on what you've said is that it's really important to focus on the things we can change, not those outside of our control. You're going to counselling and that's excellent. Your new dog will settle down - you're an experienced dog owner so you know that - it's just a bit tiring at first, I know.

Try speaking to your GP again as you're obviously having quite a bad patch and keep posting on here. There are lots of people, both on this site and out and about, who don't match your description. They're just not as noticeable.

Look after yourself and let us know how you (and the dog) are getting on.

Pip x

14-04-12, 20:41
Sadly anxiety does have a tendency to make everything look much bleaker than it actually is. Anxiety saps your energy and strength and makes everything seem like an uphill struggle but you have to try to look at things logically.

I can't offer words of wisdom because I feel pretty much the same way as you.[COLOR="blue"]

Polar Bear
15-04-12, 20:25
Thanks Pip and Harvest Mouse.

You both make good points about things seeming worse than they actually are. I'm certainly not good at not worrying about the things I can't control.

My energy levels are a bit better today but should probably go to the doctors again during this stressful period.

Will keep you posted of my progress and how the dog is doing.

Harvest Mouse - Good luck in your efforts to beat this!
