View Full Version : Seeing a Psychiatrist

14-04-12, 18:51
What is the common practice on your first visit to see a psychiatrist, eg, do you go in on your own?

Are husbands, friends allowed in with you on follow ups?

Just wondered if there was a procedure as seeing one on Thurs, husband will be taking and waiting for me but wanted to go in on my own on my first one and then take him in with me on others?

Please let me know?

Thanks in advance Laura x

14-04-12, 19:49
I would go on your own to be honest and not take anyone to the appointments.

14-04-12, 20:29
Hi Laura,

Well done on taking that step - I know you'll find it really beneficial.

I would definitely go to the first appointment on your own as you'll feel much more able to be totally honest about your feelings and that's very important. Down the line, it may be that it's a good idea to have someone in with you for some sessions but your psychiatrist will advise you of that.

Good luck

Pip x

15-04-12, 10:06
Thanks Pip - hope you are ok this morning.

macc noodle
15-04-12, 10:17
Hi Laura

To be honest, the psychiatrists prefer you to go in on your own in the belief that it gives you the freedom to express yourself in an honest away without you having to worry about what you say in front of family.

Good luck - hope it goes well.

Macc Noodle

little wren
15-04-12, 11:07
Hi Laura

Going in by yourself the first time may actually be easier because you can say what you want. Your husband will be just outside if you need him (you can always ask the psychiatrist if he can join you if you feel stressed). I think you are lucky to be able to have a one on one with them...my psychiatrists English is poor and so I have to have a cpn there to practically interpretate and it does put you off saying how you feel.

Perhaps after the initial visit you could ask the psychiatrist if your husband could sit in on the next one.

little wren x

15-04-12, 13:04
Hi Little Wren - in my view he shouldn't be allowed to practice until his English improves - having a CPN with you "translating" is pretty poor practice. Is he any good though!