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mrs way to worried
14-04-12, 20:58
I've posted a few times about this but I don't know what to do I've had shoulder pain since august that goes down my shoulder blade on this is a mole and all that area really really itches and feels like its burning its under where my bra strap is the doctor has looked and said it looks ok he thinks I just have itchy skin I'm really worried about it the mole has a raised bit in the middle , what should I take as my next step I'm scared and I don't want to google melanoma , I can't see it in the mirror as its an awkward area

14-04-12, 23:29
Hi there,

Don't google it, that's guaranteed to make you feel worse. If a doctor has looked at it and thinks it looks ok, I would be reassured by that.

To be on the safe side, the next time you're at the doctor's, get him to check it over again.

I have quite a few moles and always keep an eye on them. My GP's checked out a couple that had changed slightly and he wasn't concerned so neither am I.

Take care

Pip xx

14-04-12, 23:34
It never hurts to get a second opinion, especaily as you can't see the mole yourself and you're worried about it.
My grandma was given some cream for an itchy mole she had, which didn't work. So after that she had it removed and analysed. It turned out to be nothing in the end :).
Perhaps if you made another appointment you could ask the doctor for some cream for it?

In the meantime, have you tried putting anything on it yourself to reduce the irritation? My mum always gives me teatree for itching (which doesn't actually work but she's an aromatherapist so I humour her!).

I'd bet the constant irritation with the bra strap isn't helping. I had a spot which stayed on my shoulder for months because it was always rubbing against my bra strap.