View Full Version : Panic Disorder Sufferer who found you guys.

14-04-12, 21:32
Hello to everyone who have found their way to the NoMorePanic forums.

My name is Paul, 42 years old with a partner and 2 step children.

I have suffered with nervous tension/hypochondria most my young adult/adult life which now appears to have developed into this absolutely horrid Panic Disorder.

I was in A+E for the seconfd time in 10 days after a dreadful panic attack from sleeping state and decided that i needed to find advice/like afflicted peoples to talk to.

So here i am in the NoMorePanic Forums.

I have just this evening signed up to the 30 day free trial of CBT4Panic course and was wondering if anyone else has used this course themselves?

All the best fellow sufferers.


14-04-12, 21:34
Hi PeaJayKay

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

14-04-12, 21:51
Thankyou diane07:)

I am just now in the process of scouring the many posts in the Panic/Panic Attack forums.

Thankfully the forums are alive with peoples in the same situations and all offering their advice.

Vanilla Sky
14-04-12, 21:54
Glad you found us , use the chatroom after 5 days of joining , you will find it supportive in there and good to talk live with fellow sufferers
Welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

14-04-12, 22:08
Thankyou Vanilla Sky.

I look forward to speaking with you all. See you in five days:)

14-04-12, 22:12
Hi Paul and a warm :welcome:

There are lots of members here who share your experience and I'm sure you'll find it comforting to see that you're not alone.

Let us know how you get on with the online CBT programme - I'd be very interested to know.

Take care and keep posting


14-04-12, 22:18
Thankyou Pipkin:)

It's quite a comprehensive course (though not massively overwhelming) I am just resting tonight after having scanned through the first course to give myself an idea of what it has to offer.

Last night took it out of me somewhat, so will be up quite early, while it's quiet, to start properly.

I would be delighted to let you know how i get on. I have heard good things about CBT.

All the best.

14-04-12, 22:21
Thanks Paul,

Enjoy your time here.


14-04-12, 23:08
hi Paul
Ive woke in the middle of the night in a panic many times over the years... i just used to say, yer whatever, im going back to sleep... and luckily i did just go back to sleep... once you know what they are, you will be able to just ignore them and go back to sleep too..
Have you been to your GP about the anxiety /panic? GP can sign you up for CBT as well.
Youll make lots of friends here, and like said , after 5 days membership, you can use chat room...

14-04-12, 23:13
Hi & :welcome:

As you have already seen, lots of us here with the same issues. You have taken a positive step with the CBT programme and also by joining NMP. Wish you every success in your journey.

Kitti :)

14-04-12, 23:32
Thankyou Guys.

This is the first time i have tried any CBT therapies, nine month waiting list in my area.

My GP put me on 5mg of Diazepam to be taken in emergencys! and advised i see a breathing specialist:)

Going back on Monday after 2 severe panic attacks now in approx. 1 week but don't hold out much hope as there is not a lot he can do.

I have decided self help and support groups may be my best chance of going forward with some confidence. I believe the CBT course will help greatly but i will have to wait and see:)

Cheers Peeps.

14-04-12, 23:52
I also take diaz, had it on an 'as & when' basis for a few years but been on 12mg day since November. It has helped me through a really bad patch. Interesting about the advice to see a breathing specialist....is that to do with the hyperventilating? Only reason I ask is because I had quite a sucessful course of CBT about 6 yrs ago for panic attacks and one of the fundamental things they focussed on was breathing. This time around, my therapist says the approach had changed and they no longer want you to focus on the breathing....she believes this fuels the thoughts and symptoms....I haven't really got to the next part but I think it's mostly about rational thought as opposed to irrational ones.....Anyway, you seem to be approaching it all in a very positive way and I also think the CBT will help a lot.

Kitti :)

15-04-12, 11:34
Aye Kitty, I believe you are correct there(But don't quote me on that:))

The online CBT Course i am doing right now covers the Hyperventilation issue as it is a very common trigger to bring on the Fight or Flight response.

It is all very new to me and i am hoping that it will be of great benefit to me.

I will be continuing it today and hopefully will be able to share the experience/results/my opinions in chat after 5 days.



15-04-12, 11:49
Good luck, you have a great positive attitude PJ :)

Kitti x