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View Full Version : It's back...need some help

14-04-12, 22:01
After 2 months of being 'OK' it's back I'm sure it's Anxiety but maybe it's actually a health problem. I don't need anyone to tell me to go the Docs I will do next week I need help, or personal experiences.

The last 2 weeks I have being having pins and needles all over mainly in my left arm though and more worrying my left arm takes ages to warm up after being in the cold, my right hand seems to get warmer/stay warmer than my left...I have being having a dull ache in my left arm.

also pins and needles in my face and legs and my jaw aches and feels like I need to keep moving it.

constant lightheadedness/dizzy.

Today was the worst I went out to meet some friends when I got to town and was in a crowded place I felt so dizzy and ready to faint, I just feel so detactched from 'normal people' I was sat there dizzy and lightheaded and could not enjoy myself , with my left arm ache and pins and needles also playing a part...

could this REALLY just be anxiety? please help :yesyes:

14-04-12, 22:15
The fact that you haven't actually fainted suggests to me that it is anxiety. I have found with light headed/dizzy sensations, no matter how much i have felt like I'm going to faint I never actually have. I also have experienced getting dizzy in crowded places... try to take comfort in it being the safest place to be - if you actually did faint, your friends would be there like a shot and there plenty of people to call for help.

Pins and needles... I have only experienced them once during an anxiety attack, I was hyperventilating and could not regulate my breathing and I got pins and needles in both arms, my lips and basically thought I was having a heart attack. Might sound daft, but try and do some breathing exercises and see if it help the pins and needles!

But yes, going off my own experiences, I would say it most definitely can be just anxiety.

14-04-12, 22:18
Well I feel like that too and have done for ages ....i have a brain tumour fear....but I've been reassured that it's anxiety so i'm absolutely sure we are both in the same anxiety boat :) ....along with a lot of other people xxx

14-04-12, 22:36
Hi Goaway,

I'm on the mend now I got put on Citalopram a month ago and can't sing it's praises enough upto now. I had pain in my left arm, pins and needles and my left arm was always colder than my right for some reason? I didn't know what was happening and thought it was something else- it wasn't it was damn anxiety I hate it but I'm slowly getting back to normal.

As for the detached feeling its probably brain fog or depersonalisation I've still got a bit of this too and it's the scariest thing that's ever happened to me ever I wouldn't wish it on anyone, Its your brain shutting down slightly to save it from overload through worry/ fear. Feeling dizzy and faint is also part of it and the more you think about it the worse it gets.

Definitely go and see your GP next week just to put your mind at rest and see what they suggest. I'm not going to say don't worry as I know you'll be worried sick but trust me you no doubt have nothing to be worried about. Try to keep yourself occupied and run a nice warm bath and try to calm down slightly- you'll be fine!

Hope you feel better soon it's a horrible situation to be in and feel free to message me if you need any questions answering and I'll help if possible.

Take care,


14-04-12, 22:45
Firstly, you wont faint, anxiety rises your blood pressure... and its low blood pressure that cause you to faint...
Yes anxiety can cause all your symptons, ive had them all over 12yrs !!
all the unburnt adrenaline in your system, which goes to your muscles in fight or flight, this can cause tingling, numbness.... bad circulation...
Feeling detached ? do you mean seeing your friends without anx laughing and enjoying themselves makes you feel different? if its a feeling of being out of it, id say is depersonalisation, a sympton of anxiety, not nice at all, like your an outsider, detached from your body... you can hear yourself speak and watch yourself move, but like its not you doing it... mind and body out of sync

14-04-12, 23:11
Hi there,

It sounds very much like anxiety - I've certainly had all these symptoms. I don't think you've got anything to worry about but, if it carries on, check it out with your GP.

Take care

Pip x