View Full Version : Everyday nothing changes

15-04-12, 00:47
I've had h a for over three years in all that time I have only ever obsessed about one thing,heart attacks at lest a couple of times every day I will feel like I m am going to have one and die.the only thing that has ever varied is what puts that thought in my head it's usually just chest pains or back pain or just that feeling that something isn't right I have had numerous ECG all been ok just can't believe I get these pains palpitations and fears for no medical reasons.since my first p a in oct 08 at some point every day I have had this overwhelming fear it has never varied .i would like to know if anyone else has only one health anx fear like me and what they have done to overcome it cause after three years of this I m tired .

15-04-12, 08:08
Anxiety can cause palpatations like heart flutters. I am pretty sure alot of it is due to anxiety and I understand its hard to realise that because it all feels so real.

Have you tried something like anxiety medication I dont know exactly how effective it is but it might help with the palpatations and your fear of it.

At least you know that all your tests have come back good though aye.

16-04-12, 23:14
Sounds exactly like my symptoms. Multiple times a day I get an overwhelming sense of dread accompanied by heart symptoms and I'm convinced I'm going to drop dead that second. The only thing that has helped me so far is time... the more times it happens, the less scared I get because clearly it hasn't killed me yet! Some days are worse than others. I hate feeling like I've taken a step backwards in my progress when I've had a bad day, but I have to keep trying to get better.

I would highly recommend therapy and/or medication if it has been going on this long for you. You deserve to feel better.