View Full Version : hiya :)

15-04-12, 02:43
Hi my name is sharni I have had panic disoder and agraphobia 4 4 years and am finding difficult atm I take diazapam but don't help and beta blockers feel really alone hope I can meet some1 in same boat xx

15-04-12, 02:45
Hi sharni

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Valid and Not in Use
15-04-12, 05:32
Hi Sharni, all the best to you... so many many people go through times they think will never resolve and eventually feel MUCH better, and I hope that's you too, and me too. All best -- Valid

15-04-12, 09:41
Hi Sharni and :welcome:

Pip xx

Vanilla Sky
15-04-12, 09:42
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Paige x

15-04-12, 11:23
Hi Sharni & :welcome:

I too have anx/panic/agoraphobia and take diaz and BB's too....you will meet lots of friendly likeminded people here ready to offer help amd support. You are not alone here. Have a read thruogh the posts and hope you find some comfort....it has been a godsend here for me at times, and I hope it will help you too.

Kitti :)

15-04-12, 12:41
Hi Sharni,

Just want to echo what Kitti has said - there's plenty of people in the same boat here and everyone is friendly and willing to offer support.

I too suffer from anxiety and agroraphobia, so you're definitely not alone.


16-04-12, 12:03
Thank u 4 ur kind words