View Full Version : Tetanus :(

15-04-12, 12:30
I am having a massive dilemma. My anxiety enjoys switching from one thing to the other when I'm least expecting it.
Recently I have been absolutely terrified of catching tetanus. It sounds silly but I now stare at the ground everywhere I go, just to make sure. I also read that the bacteria lives on household dust which has made me even more scared.
I'm probably one of the youngest people on this website but I'm glad at least someone will take me seriously.
I last had a tetanus injection when I was 1 or 2. I am now almost 17. My school keep telling me to have a booster but I am also absolutely petrified of needles and possible side effects. I haven't even had that cervical cancer one or anything. Also, I did some research online about how vaccinations don't completely protect you from the disease and that some vaccinations can be really bad for you. And it's the fact that you might get bad side effects or you might get the disease after which says to me that there's no point.

However I have read through the symptoms of tetanus a million times during the past few days and it's freaking me out so much. I keep telling myself it's anxiety but I can't help but think otherwise.

Should I get vaccinated or not?

16-04-12, 12:21
To me its a 'no brainer' get them done. there will always be stories circulating about re-actions to inoculations - yes it very occasionally happens but the alternative is far worse and likely to strike. The triple vaccine is a point of case, we now have loads of young children with horrid deceases who are suffering unnecessarily. I always keep my jabs up to date and my children's but then needles don't bother me at all. At the end of the day jabs are all but painless - its the thought rather than the actual action :)

16-04-12, 12:43
Hi Chloe,

I can't say I'm a fan of injections but I had a tetanus booster a few years ago and it was fine - pretty painless and over in seconds. No side effects. Go for it!

Pip x

25-04-12, 20:14
Thanks for your answers, they were really helpful. I think I'm going to leave the injections for now but get them in a few years when I'm (hopefully) not as nervous :)

25-04-12, 22:22
Catching tetanus really is a million to one risk unless you do lots of gardening with horse manure or work with animals especially horses as they carry it in their gut. I know someone who did get tetanus from a dead sheep, He was cutting it up and cut himself, he was a farmer and he survived but he was very lucky.

To be honest you would not be worrying you have tetanus as if you did you would be in no fit state to be worrying about anything!

If you have the full course of injections which are three over 6 months and then one booster you are covered for life they have found out, so sound slike you have already had the course of three as an infant so one more booster and you are covered.