View Full Version : Hello I'm new. :). xxx

15-04-12, 16:19
Hello there, i just joined the forum and wanted to say
i'm from London a young lady and suffer with severe anxiety,
BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder), agorophobia and mild autism.

I get down too much about my appearance as i feel like i look
ugly, overweight and old. As i said i'm a young girl and just wanted
to get some advice on these issues.

Thank You. :). xxx

15-04-12, 16:23
Hi grace17

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

15-04-12, 17:42
You should never look at ur self and think this!!.... I can relate a small amonut as I am underweight but still feel very big and ugly u r pretty slim girl with all ur life out there take it with both hands :)

Deepest Blue
15-04-12, 17:59
Hi Grace17,

Welcome to the forum, you will find a lot of people who can relate to you like the poster above me has.

I myself wasn't too overly enthusiastic about my own appearance and it was something I allowed to dominate my thoughts, worried how people perceived me and what they thought of me. Over time I learnt to overcome this. If people are only ever interested in what someone looks like to want to befriend them then they're not worth your time...If you're a really nice person people cannot perceive a nice person as ugly and I sense you are a lovely person :).. I've taken a look at your link and I see a lovely young lady with a lot to offer and nothing like the description you gave yourself.

Try not to be hard on yourself, I've done this for too long and it's gotten me nowhere.

Take care of you for me :)