View Full Version : Hiya everyone Im a newbie

15-04-12, 19:07
Hello everyone im a newbie here my name is Valerie I am 46 years old , I suffer from PTSD, depression and Anxiety . Im looking forward to get to know you all as I have shut myself of from people for so many years.:winks:

15-04-12, 19:08
Hi Valerie_46

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

15-04-12, 19:09
hi and welcome
if you need any advise with anything specific, post a new thread under the relevant heading. lots on here will help.xxx

15-04-12, 19:12
Thank you for the support its good to know theres a place where I can get help thanks a million x

15-04-12, 19:13
Hi :welcome: Valerie - you have found a good site here to make friends and swap ideas, etc.

Laura x:yesyes:

15-04-12, 19:14
Thank you :o)

15-04-12, 19:16
Hello Valerie and welcome. xxxx.

all the best and good wishes to you. :)

15-04-12, 19:22
you are all so kind many thanks x

15-04-12, 19:29
Hello Valerie,

I've been here about 2 weeks and I've found everyone to be really friendly and helpful, I'm sure you'll find the same too.


Deepest Blue
15-04-12, 19:30
Hi Valeria,

Welcome to the forum, I hope you find it very useful, there is alot of information here that's just so valuable for us sufferers. You will certainly make friends here as everybody is friendly.

Take Care.

15-04-12, 19:47
Welcome to NMP :)

15-04-12, 19:56
A big, warm :welcome: to NMP

Pip xx

15-04-12, 20:43
Hi everyone

I have just joined too. :)

Hopefully looking forward to meeting new friends, not feeling so isolated and alone!!

I have been having problems with Agoraphobic tendencies, a lot of other back ground Anxieties, mild Depression and most of time scared of my own thoughts...

I have physical health issues as well so all in all life has been quite a challenge.

I would like to be able to get out more on my own, this is my goal.

I would love to hear people's success stories.

Barbs xxx:bighug1:

15-04-12, 23:56
Hi I have just joined today as well , and everyone here all seem so helpful and careing, I have shut myself of from the world for so long and lost contact with people , my psychologist said I need to seek some form of cummunication with the outside world and I am so plzed I have fond it here.