View Full Version : Fluoxetine Day 20....

15-04-12, 19:44
Hi Everyone

To anyone that's new to Fluoxetine, as I am and is struggling with the initial side effects.

I've now got to day 20 and for the first time the side effects seem to have stopped, no alarming tremors/palpitations and I'm also starting to sleep well again......and as a result, I'm definitely feeling a little calmer.

This time last week, I was on the verge of stopping taking the tablets. My doctor didn't warn me of the potentially worrying side effects and if it wasn't for finding this site, I would have stopped.....so thanks guys.

And to anyone that's in a similar position as I was last week, try and hang on in there.....I think you may be nearly through the worst :yes yes:

Sue x

15-04-12, 20:32
thanks for your encouraging post Sue. Keep us posted on the progress.
Is the flux for anxiety or depression?

16-04-12, 05:18
Hey sue.

That's really good to hear. I'm on day 21 and have been very lucky with side effects which have been almost non existent! A few nights ago I felt hyper and like I wanted to eat lots! Since then I've been stable....I have been able to function alot better since that night. Not there yet but there is improvement. Last night in bed I couldn't settle and felt I could've had a panic attack if I'd fed it enough! I have also had some trouble with breathing today which is def anxiety related. I am surprised at these sudden effects when I come into week 3??..I guess I'd expected to have already experienced these SEs by now. Hopefully it settles and thngs keep getting better.


16-04-12, 12:07
Hi Guys

Alfredo, the Fluoxetine in for depression mainly, but anxiety has started to become an issue too. I am starting to feel happier, not madly happy but calmly happy....if that makes any sense.

Kel, I know exactly what you mean....I find night time the worst and as you say, at times in the night, if you allowed yourself, you could panic. I've found that by telling myself it's just a side effect, I can control the panic. I'm sure things will settle for you, maybe it's just taking a little longer to get into your system....as I said, I'm new to the medication, so I'm no expert!

Love Sue x

16-04-12, 12:31
Hey sue,

I have been telling myself the same thing, that it's the meds and it helps it settle quicker. I guess I expected more at the three week mark but that's silly I know. I should be grateful I got through the weekend. But this is the nature of the beast isn't it? My pessimism is what got me in this mess.

Kel x

16-04-12, 21:07
Hey Kel

One thing my doctor did say is that, sometimes it can take up to 6 weeks for the meds to be properly in your system.....at least we're half way there :)

Love Sue x

16-04-12, 22:11
Hi, I'm on day 40 of Prozac (day 12 at 40mg after taking 20mg) so nearly at 6 weeks. I had side effects from day 2 until about 5 days ago (about 5 weeks in total). The dose was increased at 4 weeks because of very little improvement but the side effects didn't increase with the dose change. Only in the past 3 days have I felt significantly better, Prozac is very slow to work, I've heard people say if it isn't working at 4 weeks stop it and try something else - with Prozac I think you have to give it 6 weeks before making that decision (as long as you can tolerate the side effects).
If you're not feeling better at 3-4 weeks - try not to worry, go with it and it will hopefully slowly come right at 6 weeks - if you've gone through all the side effects it's worth hanging on for the benefits:) Good luck to everyone

17-04-12, 01:41
That's what I keep telling myself sue, halfway there! Halfway better.....fingers are crossed anyway.

Hey Sam, I'm glad you said that. Really need to hear something encouraging right now. It does seem to be taking longer for me compared to the paroxetine and citolapram....I'd say it's perhaps similar to Zoloft which seemed to take a bit longer and I ended up upping the dose early on for a boost. Don't want to do that with these unless I get to week 6 and I still feel like this. I don't want to take more before I find out if 20 is enough....I have a feeling I will be going up though.

Kel xx