View Full Version : hi - i'm new

15-04-12, 21:05
hi i'm new to this. I'm 46 years old, single (have never even had a relationship), have been suffering from depression (at least diagnosed) since i was 20. I also suffer from anxiety and am very very nervous at anything new or different. Ilive alone with my dog, whom i love very much, but due to mobility problems cannot get out for walks even if i can make myself go through the front door to my flat. i'm hoping this place will help me and maybe i'll be able to help others :unsure:

15-04-12, 21:06
Hi dottycharlie

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

15-04-12, 21:07
Hello charlie,

I'm new here myself, having joined a couple of weeks ago. I've found everyone here to be very friendly and helpful, and I'm sure you will too. There's a lot of shared experience here and I'm sure you'll find a lot of support.


15-04-12, 22:26
Hi Charlie and :welcome:

Pip xx

15-04-12, 22:54
Hello Charlie welcome. :). xxx

All the best to you.