View Full Version : Have I got Norovirus?

16-04-12, 07:51
Obviously not expecting a diagnosis but wondering if anyone had it and knows the symptoms, I've had plenty of sickness/tummy bugs before but this one is more horrendous than ever before.

-Started feeling very sick and getting stomach cramps around 7pm last night
-Diarreah (sp) very very sudden and watery
-Was projectile sick and this kept happening every 30 mins
-Worst nausea of my life
-Kept going to toilet every 10 mins due to severe stomach cramps which were like my intestine being squeezed.
-High temp but absolutely freezing and skin hurt and couldnt get warm

They were the main symptoms and it all went on til about 4am, I had a dry mouth and throat and blurry vision, got about an hour and half sleep and now been loads to toilet again. I've taken 4 Immodium since last night and they have done nothing, so just lying here with my tummy hurting and keep needing to go.

Its the worst I've ever felt, does anyone know if it might be just a standard stomach bug or norovirus?

miss sparkle
16-04-12, 08:07
There are alot of nasty tummy bugs around, you haven't had it for long yet, so i would try not to worry.
my gp says if it lasts longer than a week, maybe go doctors, but unless your dehydrated don't think there is much they can do at this stage, just wait for it to pass.
keep your fluids up and you can always get some of those satchets that replace salts sugar s etc.
Im sure its a bug, you will be ok x

16-04-12, 08:20
Thanks Miss Sparkle, will see how it is in a day then. Think I am dehydrated but cant keep fluids in me long enough! Had 2 rehydration sachets last night and was sick straight after a few sips of each one, kept trying to drink them but couldnt keep them down, then kept getting v strong cravings for coke! x