View Full Version : recurrent headaches, brain tumor?

16-04-12, 08:45
For the past 5 weeks or so i've been getting recurrent headaches. at first i put these down to tension head aches. ive been bleeding lightly from a period but constantly for weeks. it just hasnt stopped.
I have noticed that i have become really short tempered and quite nasty at times which is not like me.
Also my biggest worry is that i struggle reading aloud. i noticed this last week. this is a huge thing as i am currently studying languages. i have never struggled pronouncing anything until now. I am 20.

Any ideas?

16-04-12, 09:20
Hi - sorry to hear you are having a rough time - there are a few things here that are possible causes - sounds very much like tension/stress, you say you are studying languages probably exams are looming? Also regarding your period - anxiety can play a big part with them, eg, making them irregular or even non existent! Are you on the pill? there could be breakthrough bleeding which is very common. Have you had your eyes tested recently? All in all would make an appointment with the doctor and tell him/her your concerns. When I am ill I get extremely short tempered about everything.

Good luck but go and see your doctor to be on the safe side.


16-04-12, 15:53
I have exactly the same symptoms as you (well, not the period ones but i'm a guy so i would be worried if i did). What i find happens, and is probably common is that when i say something incorrect or jumbled i think "hmm, thats not right... something must be wrong" and i start getting critical about those things which makes them worse because i am probably concentrating more on saying things correctly than actually just saying them as usual.

Also if you're getting headaches in your temples and it feels like a band around your head then you are probably suffering from tension headaches which are caused by stress. You say you are studying languages atm, so is there any pressure with that that would cause you to be stressed out more than usual like exams or assignments?.

As for being short tempered, thats probably due to stress aswell tbh. Its very easy when you're feeling run down mentally to snap at people and just be short in general though.

In other words, i am not in any way going to say that i think you have a brain tumor. I think >90% of people with health anxiety worry about brain tumors at some point and i think that probably >95% of them never get one. :)

edit: Oops, realized Laura has covered a lot of what i said hehe. Oh well re-iteration helps anyway.

16-04-12, 23:16
if your on contraception, that can cause you to bleed every day or never. it varies, and the headaches, i get them ALL the time, they dont thump, they are just there like abit of tension all around the top of my head, and i get it with stress, once i stop worrying or should i say 'caring' about things , i dont worry and i just get on with life, ive been to my docs abuot things all the tym and gave up on them, x

It is just anxiety, just calm down & care less! xx