View Full Version : Why dont I feel any better!!!

16-04-12, 09:34
I have been feeling unwell recently, headaches, stomach activity, night sweats, true I have been going through a major emotional episode in my life, I went on Google and convinced myself I have a certain type of tumour, it fitted exactly and having had cancer before about 18 years ago am always very quick to jump to conclusions. I eventually went to the doctor and had extensive blood tests, the doctor said it has been many years since he has seen such perfect results and has referred me for cognitive behavioural therapy, something I have been wanting for years as have always suffered from social anxiety and obsessive behaviour.

So, I thought, hey tomorrow I will wake up and feel a whole lot better but I dont, in fact the next day had a massive panic attack and had to be collected my a friend from the shopping centre!!! and the headache is still there , although to be fair so suffer with sinus problems, he has given me a spray.

It is so difficult to stop thinking about the symptoms and to believe they can not be from a physical source!

16-04-12, 10:01
It is horribly difficult to stop thinking about the symptoms and imagining they are physically related!

I ended up at A&E (never been before :O) yesterday because of severe chest/shoulder/arm pain. They did an ECG, blood tests and a chest x-ray - everything was absolutely fine so I feel kinda guilty for scaring myself and phoning NHS 24 in the first place. And the pain has pretty much gone away since. But I'm still having "what if?" thoughts about the whole episode.

I would be tempted to suggest that, like me, your symptoms are due to going through a very emotional and stressful time. Extended stress and anxiety can give you a tension headache, I find, and they can last a wee while. If you can get a good, long sleep the headache will likely abate. :)

If you're still concerned, obviously see your doctor, but take it as easy as you can and hopefully you'll feel better soon!