View Full Version : Head worries

16-04-12, 11:26

I have had HA for the last 15 years or so on and off. 6 months ago I had a severe reaction to some anti-sickness medication and thought I was going to die. In the ambulance the paramedics were panicking about my blood pressure as it went through the roof. Now I have horrendous anxiety... i never used to have panic attacks before but now I do (the horrible head whoosh feeling.. palps.. sweats). I also have a horrible pressure feeling in my head. I am terrified of my blood pressure and when I panic it sky-rockets. I also have a horrible pressure/dizzy feeling in my head and am worrying myself silly about having a stroke.

I been referred to my local mental health facility but they take 4 weeks to get back to me. I've been given some diazapam and take it only when I *really* need it (once or twice a week). Exercise is good for me but I'm scared of it now... i don't know what to do. I feel like this getting worse and worse and i need help, but everything is so slow moving in terms of getting appointments etc..

I could pay for treatment myself but don't know where to start. :weep:

Any advice is much appreciated.

Space xxx

16-04-12, 12:15
Hi Spacebunny

I too worry about my blood pressure and each time i get head symptoms i'm convinced it's my blood pressure spiking. My anxiety with my blood pressure started when i was rushed into hospital 4 years ago when i was pregnant with my little boy and had to have an emergency c section. apparently my blood pressure went up then (i was put to sleep) it took a while for it to go down and they made such a big thing about it obviously. Now every symptom i get, i'm convinced its to do with my blood pressure. I became so obsessive about it that i went and brought a monitor and was taking it 2,3,4 times a day and when i was ok it calmed me down. My bp is always up in the Drs aswell. I get tightness in my neck and back of head and a pulsing sensation in my head sometimes which scares the hell out of me.

16-04-12, 15:15
Thanks Honeyb. What you are describing sounds just like me. My BP is always high when I go to the dr's and I swear I can "feel" my bp go up - is that even possible. How have you coped with it? Did you find the bp monitor useful? I'm tempted to get one..

I've been brave (for me) today and joined a gym (still had to take have a diazapam to get through the medical check tho) my bp was 133/92... which is still a bit high :-(
They've got yoga classes so am going to try to do that to help calm me down. The only way I seem to calm at the mo is with diazapam and I know its def not a long term solution.

My partner and I are about to start IVF in 2 months so meds aren't an option. :-(

Space xxx

16-04-12, 15:49
I just try and put it to the back of my mind really, which is difficult. Your bp isn't that bad, ideally it needs to be lower, but mine is about that sometimes higher when i get to the drs. Great about the gym they do say exercise is great for anxiety. All the best with the IVF let me know how you get on xx

16-04-12, 22:48
My panic attacks and anxiety symptoms are EXACTLY like yours. My headaches feel like my head is going to explode which of course in my mind means my blood pressure is too high (plus i can feel my heart beating hard a lot of the time).

I don't have much advice except that it's going to get better. I have ups and downs but I'm starting to feel good more frequently than I feel bad. Still have a bit of a fear of exercise, but I'm pushing myself to do it anyway. Exercise lowers blood pressure ultimately, so keep on doing it! People with high blood pressure and even people who have had heart attacks are advised to exercise, so it's not going to harm you. Just don't push yourself TOO hard.

Have any tests done that you need to reassure yourself, then try to move on. I know how slow moving it is (went to A&E 1.5 months ago and I still haven't had the 24hr ECG yet, still waiting for my CBT appointment too...) but you'll get there.

17-04-12, 18:46
thanks for the reply xvolatileheart. Do you try to exercise? I went to my first exercise class in ages this evening - felt good during it (although my head felt a bit weird on the running machine afterwards) but had a panic attack in the car on the way home :-( little steps I guess! Hope you feel better too.. and let me know if you have any more tips!


23-04-12, 22:59
I do exercise, and I'm the same as you - fine while doing it, but panic afterwards! I think it's because we're so used to running on anxiety, that when something calms us down (i.e. post exercise, when the body fully relaxes) we freak out.

I wish I had more advice, but I'm still having ups and downs. Trying to keep on trudging along! How've you been?