View Full Version : Swollen lip.. laughing at myself

16-04-12, 12:05
My kids have all gone back to school. Far too much time to sit and dwell on things. Monday morning blues as well.

I have a habit of biting my lips when I'm stressed, I'm pretty brutal with them.

This morning I feel a lump on my lip and freak the heck out.. got to be cancer, right? I take a look and it is swollen but there is also a cut where I have bit it. Logical people would say that biting your lip/ small cut= why it is slightly swollen. Us HA people will automatically say cancer!

This isn't the first time I have done this to my lips, but it is the first time I have panicked over it.

And did you know that if you feel the roof of your mouth constantly you will find bumps that you never knew you had? I figure these must be normal because I only noticed when I prodded them. If there was something wrong with me I wouldn't have had to prod around to find it.

I think some logic is trying to creep in.

16-04-12, 12:39
Hi Hypo,

You're quite right - we all have lumps and bumps in our mouths and they come and go. I think your logic is leading you down the right path.

Take care

Pip x