View Full Version : Anxiety killing me waiting for test results

16-04-12, 13:09
Hi I'm in a situation right now were my anxiety is at its peak, I have suffered with health anxiety and panic attacks going on 4 years now since my grandmother passed away due to cancer.I recently started to get abdominal pain and back ache I put off going to my GP as I had it in my head it could be cervical cancer like my grandmother eventually the niggling pain got to be too much so I went to my GP last Thursday he did a Urine sample and sent it away as he was concerned because I had traces of blood in my urine. Obviously my anxiety kicked in then he said I would have to wait all weekend till today and he would contact me at 9.00 am to give me my results I have been so bad all weekend i'm aching from the panic attacks I have had! anyway 9.00 am came and went no one rang so I decided to ring my GP the receptionist told me he is on holiday till Thursday she said he has attached a note saying he wants a telephone consultation with me I told her I had panic attacks and the wait is killing me I just need answers she says its out of her hands and said she will try and get another GP at the surgery to ring me if he can fit me in after 3.30 she said if it helps if it had been serious he would have contacted you sooner! it doesn't help and I feel like an emotional wreck :emot-questioned::emot-questioned::unsure:

16-04-12, 13:27
You could have a kidney or water infection, which can cause blood in the urine. Like the receptionist said if it was anything serious they would have phoned by now and not left it. I know is easier said that done, but please try not to panic too much.

miss sparkle
16-04-12, 13:49
ah bless. i can imagine how worried you are, but as honey says, probably a water infection or something. be interested to hear how you get on as having same symptoms myself and putting off going doctors!

16-04-12, 17:19
thank you for your replies! my GP just rang he said my urine sample came back all clear but because of the pain in my abdomen and traces of blood in my sample he is sending me for a xray tomorrow see how it goes then may have to have a ultra sound hate this I set my heart on it being a water infection and would have antibiotics to get me better, just been physically sick due to my anxiety ;( and to top it off Im trying to stop the urge of reading google about these scans and such...

miss sparkle
16-04-12, 20:07
ah you will be fine! please try not to worry, easier said than done i know. you would rather them do the tests than be sent away so think positive! could it be kidney stones or something? xxx

16-04-12, 20:23
Hi been to the walk in center to have my xray wanted it out the way! he wants to rule out kidney stones then take it from there I shall keep you informed! & thanks xxx

miss sparkle
16-04-12, 20:38
Don't blame you i would be the same except our walk in centre consists of 1 dodgy doctors and a thermometer! nothing as fancy as a x ray machine! lol
yeah, please keep us informed, like i say i have same thing atm.
also want to make sure you get on ok, know how hard waiting is-
x x

30-04-12, 19:05
I had a telephone consultation with my GP he said my Xray was fine I was a little constipated that may have been the abdomen pain I was experiencing but if the pain is still there in two weeks to come in and see a lady doctor for an internal exam. but he insisted on seeing me today in surgery about my anxiety. In surgery he asked me about my abdominal pain I did get rather upset as its only when i think about the pain its there I try to get on as normal and its there I feel like I'm losing my mind he was very nice to me but as given me a prescription for Citalopram he says it should help, but I'm as confused as ever as these are an anti depressants how will they make the lower right abdomen pain go away my pelvis aches too now and my right ribs Im also worrying about what an internal exam is for? feel so deflated right now :(

30-04-12, 19:34
hi harrietsgirl just wanted to say im feelin the same at the moment am waiting to have ultrasound in 2 weeks .also have right rib pain and tummy hurts doc thinks it could be gallbladder. have just had bloods and got results today but the weekend waiting was a nightmare allsorts runs threw your mind. ringing up for the results alone was hard as she put me on hold and they never do that my heart started racing thinking allsorts but reaults where normal no action whew..
im sure you will be just fine hun. try not to worry i now thats so easy said than done. x

miss sparkle
30-04-12, 20:02
ah please try not to worry.
Your x ray was clear, that is good.
Do you mean your pain is only there when you think about it!
our minds do have a way of being able to manifest pain if we think about it enough, not saying that it isn't real, it is, but doesn't necessarily mean it is caused by something bad.
I have been prescribed citraphram too, but not taken it yet.
sounds like your doctor is being thorough, so that's good.
like i said i am having same thing really, but its just hard knowing what's really real, and what is made more my my anxiety x

---------- Post added at 19:59 ---------- Previous post was at 19:57 ----------

sorry ment a questionat end of 3rd line down, exclamation mark makes it sound patronizing x

---------- Post added at 20:02 ---------- Previous post was at 19:59 ----------

can i ask how old you both are? Very strange we are all having same thing!x

30-04-12, 20:03
Hi there it is good he hasnt found anything on your tests. If you have anxiety and are worrying about a particular area of your body you will tense that area and it will ache or hurt. When a friend of mine had breast cancer i was convinced i also had it and i was constantly aware of one breast and my arm ached and under arm and was sure there was a problem. What ever i was doing i was aware of that part of my body and how it hurt. After a check up and lots of talking i discovered nothing was wrong and within 2 days all the pain had gone. The mind is very strong. I'm sure you wont have anything major and are focusing on that area at the moment. Is that where your gran's cancer was also ? take care x

30-04-12, 20:18
Thank you for the input very much appreciated. I'm 33 years old I have no children! My grandmother died from cervical cancer sadly, My GP said he was happy with my Xray all he and another GP found was constipation he also said I'm up to date with my smears. but now I am obsessively thinking could they have missed something can an Xray see anything abnormal and why would he want me to have an internal exam its not the doing that scares me its the waiting in the waiting rooms then waiting for results My panic attacks are unbearable ;(

30-04-12, 21:19
I know what you mean about the surgery and waiting for results I am the worse and I certainly would be anxious with an internal examination. The thing is your smear tests would show anything up they are so advanced now they can detect something before it starts, so if they are up to date im sure you are fine. If it is just an internal exam you wont have to wait for results it would be instant. You probably dont even need one but as you are saying you have pain in that area he/ she is just being thorugh and covering every option for dealing with the symptoms you have presented with. When I was younger before children i had blood stains and had an internal exam, and they said i had a cervical erosion which was totally harmless not needing treatment and ignore it but it let off little bits of blood. It just cleared up, if that happened now i would have a fit and think they had missed something etc. Sometimes you have to trust their word or you drive your self insane. Remember they are not really wanting to get it wrong lol
But honestly that test they have offered is just one in a list to tick off to reassure you :)
Funny how we can be more confident about other peoples worries isnt it xx

30-04-12, 22:52
thank you Your reply has helped Yes all my smears are up to date and thankfully every time been fine! I hate going to the doctors I cant even use public transport because of my anxiety I shall try for the next week to ignore this feeling in my abdomen I am due to start my citrolapram but due to my anxiety I am not wanting to take them after reading the side effects online but I shall keep you updated on how I get on I shall retire to bed now lol its the only time I can escape from my anxiety thanks again!!;)

01-05-12, 09:17
hi harrietsgirl.

When my ha started i had this pain - it felt to me like a big mass in my stomach. like u it was only there when i thought of it. he too put me on 20mg of citalopram and within a week the pain was gone. Also i then came off the tablets against my docs advice and started getting pains in shoulder, he sent me for xray and once i got clear results, i never had the pain again..... the gp told me that our body can play tricks and give us physical sympton that are there when we think about them. im going back to go on citalopram cos the same things happening now. im getting aches all over - but the last two days ive been mad busy and only had them once id settled at night.
Hope the tablets work for u. u may feel abit disorentated at first. i took mine before bed, but everyone is different

01-05-12, 18:51
Hope you are managing okay, I understand your drug issue as i have never managed to take mine. Always fear I will freak at the side affects. Hope you managed to sleep well x

02-05-12, 13:43
Thanks again for all your helpful replies, I still haven't started the citalopram exactly like you Rockydog I'm fearful of the side effects, Yesterday My washing machine broke and my kitchen was a mess I spent a good two hours sorting the mess out! but You know i didn't have pain at all I know in my heart it could be anxiety the pain but my head keeps convincing me if i ignore it I could have something seriously wrong and before I know it its spread I hate anxiety My GP asked me how I would describe it I said its like your world comes to a halt and your always on the outside looking in! I'm spending time with my neice today she always cheers me up, but I shall keep you informed Tanya x

02-05-12, 14:05
Hi there luv, your doctor is just going through all the little things first, checking for water infections, gallstones etc, which can all cause pain!
Im sure you will be just fine, anxiety can definately bring on phantom illnesses, as i go through them all the time, the mind is very powerful, its trying to get you down and worried hun, because anxiety feeds on the worry, which in turn make u even more sad and ill, its a horrible circle to be in, i too have been prescribed citalopram which i am going to start taking tonight.
Also, i dont know if u have heard of this before but i suffer with it and it can cause lower tummy pain, polycystic overys.. its not life thretening but it can be abit of a bumma sometimes with certain things, they might check for things like that in ur scans too.
Try not to worry to much, easier said than done i know, but u r only feeding that anxiety and making it worse for yourself, be strong, hold ur head up, and think well atleast i am getting some help to figure out whats causing ur pain!! See this as a positive not a negative XXX

---------- Post added at 14:05 ---------- Previous post was at 14:00 ----------

Also, ask yourself whats worse.. feeling like this with no hope, or having a little hope and a possible few extra symtoms and getting out of this.. also with u feeling so anxious, u should be willing to try anything to try and get it gone!!!
U can so do it, i have faith in u and so do many other people here x

11-05-12, 22:33
Thank you for the replies ;) I haven't been on for days as my anxiety as been bad, I spoke to my GP again today in a telephone consultation I told him I haven't took the citralopram yet as I'm too scared of the side effects he did his best to convince me I should take them but I'm not wanting to! I told him the abdominal pain is an ache now all around my right pelvic area he has requested another urine test and I am due to see a lady doctor for a thorough exam next friday I wish I had some idea what they are looking for! I feel so lost again now and I am worried about why I am having this exam I have been physically sick today I feel like hiding away till its all over I feel like a zombie and I am starting to worry my family now god I wish I could snap out of it!

11-05-12, 22:47
Hi, I know how you feel, waiting for results is horrendous, I always feel like hiding under the duvet for days on end and willing the time away until I get that almighty feeling of relief when they tell me its nothing too serious. One thing that has helped with my anxiety is a stress and worries course my GP sent me on, it was for 6 weeks, one hour a week and totally free. It has given me some great strategies for managing my thoughts and stops you feeling so out of control in these situations. Its worth asking your GP about especially if you wish to avoid the medication route.

12-05-12, 10:44
Thanks! I have counselling at present for my anxiety, I shall ask about groups or meetings I can attend :) I have been keeping a diary of my abdominal ache pains and I am thinking looking at my diary notes that it could be some how related to my bowels but then think wouldn't it be on my left side? my brother has IBS and he says it sounds like that, I was tempted to go on google and search but I have found that to make me more anxious I start off on IBS and will end up reading on bowel cancer so as tempted as i am to google it I wont! Im off to do something to keep me busy that will take my mind off it ;) thanks for all your help everyone x

16-05-12, 13:36
Hi just to keep those of you who asked me to keep them informed, I rang surgery today for my urine results the receptionist told me I have to re take it when I asked why she said one of the results was extremely high! I asked for more input but that's all she could give I immediately got in my car and drove to the surgery I re took the urine test and will wait now till friday to see the lady doctor driving home I had to pull over to be vomit my anxiety getting the better of me again to make it worse I have had the abdominal pain for two days solid I'm getting so nervous thinking of cancer again I cant think straight! wish they would tell me its an infection give me antibiotics and let me get on my way ;(

16-05-12, 16:13
Hi just to keep those of you who asked me to keep them informed, I rang surgery today for my urine results the receptionist told me I have to re take it when I asked why she said one of the results was extremely high! I asked for more input but that's all she could give I immediately got in my car and drove to the surgery I re took the urine test and will wait now till friday to see the lady doctor driving home I had to pull over to be vomit my anxiety getting the better of me again to make it worse I have had the abdominal pain for two days solid I'm getting so nervous thinking of cancer again I cant think straight! wish they would tell me its an infection give me antibiotics and let me get on my way ;(

i'm guessing here but maybe something has irritated your stomach lining? my mum gets blood in her water if she takes asprin as that irritates hers. have you ever been checked for gastritis? i got it after taking antibiotics. it can cause tummy pain, back pain (similar to ibs) as well as other symptoms and you can get bleeding from it if the lining of the stomach is irritated enough. it can be treated with strong anti-acid meds Xx