View Full Version : New to No More Panic

16-04-12, 17:19

I found this site when googling for symptoms... :blush:

I have not been diagnosed with anxiety but I definitely suffer with it and have had a few sessions of CBT which I found positive.

I have GAD and Health Anxiety (latter is worse).

Over the last 6 months I have self diagnosed myself with: throat cancer, heart problems / attacks, stomach and bowel cancer and blood clots in the leg... but the major issue has been "the heart".

Anyhow, the CBT treatment has been useful and over the last few days I felt a lot better (stopped carrying asprin in my wallet!! etc) and I thought I was doing well...

Then, today; all of a sudden I had a new sensation. Pressure / movement feelings on the top of my head while working at my desk and this prompted (for the first time) thoughts of brain tumours etc.

It wasnt a "headache"and I've had headaches before (tension ones too) which never troubled me, but this was just an odd sensation and I rationalised it "must be bad".

That was 3 hours ago. I've been in the fog of anxiety since but still have yet to collapse of "the tumour" and am fighting hard to control my thoughts.

I'm hoping this is a (new) anxiety symptom and I am trying to rationalise as such but I keep coming back to the thought of "tumour" because it is such an odd sensation...

Having found this site, I really do see what my therapist has told me - I am not alone!

16-04-12, 17:22
Hi Lee269

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

16-04-12, 17:25
welcome lee...are you on any medication? im told the movement in the head are neuro transmitters closing to keep the serotonin in, to aid recovery .

16-04-12, 17:38
Thanks both.
tis-me2006; No I'm not taking medication (other than prescription meds for stomach problem).

16-04-12, 17:45
maybe you have enough serotonin and its the nero transmitters keeping it in for you, so it doesnt get all used up with the stress. x

16-04-12, 18:14
Hi Lee and :welcome:

You're certainly not alone and have joined a great community here.

Stick with the CBT as this sounds like it might really help you. We all have ups and downs and that's what you're experiencing. The key to overcoming your anxiety is to recognise the symptoms for what they are and it sounds like you're on your way there. Just by joining this site you've acknowledged your anxiety and you can see that it's causing your symptoms and the worry about them.

Take care


16-04-12, 18:38
Thanks Pipkin. Appreciated