View Full Version : Hello New Here Hope I Can Find Comfort Here :)

16-04-12, 17:40
Hello, I am new here and have had a lot of stress and anxiety for a couple months now (or more). I always have low anxiety but the past few months have been very high, I.e. Two small children who are a LOT of work, I'm a stay at home mom, maritel probs recently etc etc. To top it off I stopped taking zoloft after taking it for 10 years. I weaned off within 1-2 months. So here I am 2.5 months after my last dose of zoloft and my anxiety is just thru the roof. I am on constant alert to any symptom that might come over me. Right now its the fact that my appetite has been very low since the anxiety. During the day I make myself eat and I do not get any satisfaction. My stomach growls and I'm hungry during day but nothing sounds good. The only time I can actually think "hmm, that sounds good, I'm hungry" is at night time when kids are in bed and my anxiety lessens somewhat. This no appetite has happened to me before but it always seems different every time, like Ill never get it back. I am skinny and do not want to lose weight. I may have lost 2 lbs in the last 4 weeks, since the appetite has been gone. Can someone relate to this?? I am CONSTANTLY dwelling on this appetite thing. Please some advice. Could I also be experiencing lots of anxiety from recently stopping zoloft after being on it for 10 yrs?? Thank you for listening!

16-04-12, 17:43
Hi snoopy22

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

16-04-12, 18:24
Hi Snoopy and :welcome:

It looks like stopping the Zoloft had caused your anxiety to increase - I guess this could be either the withdrawal or your subconscious reacting to it (sort of the reverse placebo effect).

Either way, it sounds like you need to discuss this with your GP before it really starts to have a negative effect on your health. I'm like you, my appetite disappears when I'm anxious and I can ill afford to lose weight either. Try to eat little and often - food high in carbs should help to give you some energy. Also, maybe some form of therapy or counselling would help you.

Take care and enjoy this wonderful website.

Pip x

16-04-12, 19:07
Thank u everyone for your responses. Pip, thanks for the comfort and advice. I do think I need to try some CBT as well, I feel like I may have a touch of depression too, which I've never experienced before this. When u say you lose your app with anxiety, how long a time have u had no appetite before? My mind is just constantly racing with thoughts and it won't slow down, I may even need to try diff meds?? Have you ever tried St. Johns wort by chance? Thank u again for your response, it helps a lot.

16-04-12, 20:49
Hi there,

I've lost my appetite for weeks before. This is usually the trigger for me to get some help as I always fear I'll end end making myself ill due to being quite thin already.

Yes, I've tried St. John's wort and didn't really notice any difference. That's not to say it doesn't work for some people, just not for me. Don't take it if you're on other AD meds though.

Pip x

16-04-12, 21:30
Hi Snoopy

I've only recently joined too and I'm finding the forum really helpful and comforting.

I'm in the early stages of taking Fluoxetine (day 21) for depression and some anxiety and have been struggling with the side effects, much better now though :)

I tried St John's Wart first before going to the doctors and to be honest, for me, it didn't help.

I hope the site and it's members help you, as much as it's already helped me.

Love Sue x

16-04-12, 22:09
No Pip I am not taking any meds right now. Since being off the zoloft I did not think I needed it anymore until 2 months later when the anxiety and horrible thinking (lots of HA) came back full force. Now I'm trying to find some natural meds first before possibly getting on a different med. Maybe ill try st john wort, see if it works for me, worth a try :).Pezky- what kind of med is that? Ssri? What were your initial symptoms? Thank u in advance, reallyhelps to chat about this stuFf.