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View Full Version : Worried about blood tests

03-07-06, 17:38

I am 29+ weeks pregnant and have been feeling unwell for,well,between 9 months and a year now i suppose.

I have had loads of pain in my hip,back and pelvis and what i believe to be peripheral neuropathy for this period of time
I am exhausted and have consatant palps/ectopics
I had routine bloods taken a week or so ago.My iron and blood sugars were fine but my white bloods were not,anyone know why this could be??
The mw says they are not going to do anything about it but im so so worried,especially as i have been terrified i have bone cancer(my mum died from it),this blood thing might be an indication of that[V]

Sorry for going on
Hunny x

03-07-06, 17:59
hi hunny,congrats on the pregnancy!!i,m sure if there was anything to be concerned about the midwife would have been concerned too!!!pregnancy does many weird and wonderful things to our bodies!!!!have you spoken to your doctor?good luck for the rest of your pregnancy i will be thinking of you!take care rachelx x x x

03-07-06, 19:34

im so sorry u r going through this worring when u should be enjying your pregnancy, wheni i was pg i was also like this, i honestly worried over everything, in the end i couldn't even let my midwife do my bp as i was so scared it would be high, my pulse always used to be sky high. what u have to do is think logically, right if the drs/midwifes thought u had cancer they would 100% have u in for more tests pregant or not, they aren't gonna be like" right this womans got white cells we think its cancer we will leave her" why dont u call her 2moro and tell her what your scared of and she will tell what the white cells are and why they aren't doing anything about it. it really will make u feel better, or failing that go to the hospital and tell them what a state u r in, is there a number in your book?? honestly ring them thats what they are there for.
is this your first baby, do u know the sex??

take care hun
Leanne xx im here if u need to talk

03-07-06, 20:18
Hi Hunny

I know how scary it is when blood tests dont come back 100% perfect. But, I do know that stress can cause your white blood cell count to rise. Almost everytime I get blood taken my WB count is very high. Once I asked the dr how he knows that its not cancer, and he said that with cancer it is insanly high and just gets higher and higher. It is ok to have a somewhat high WBC as long as its not too high and it is constant. As far as the palpitations are concerned... When I was pregnant mine were terrible. Just try to remember that while they feel uncomfortable, they are totally harmless. Keep the forum posted on your progress

Heidi :)

03-07-06, 20:31
Thanks so much for your replies

I cannot stop worrying,its like its unstoppable

I know logically that if they suspected something sinister they wouldnt just leave it,but im worried all this pain etc is down to something awful and its just starting to show up in my blood[V]

Thanks again for taking the time to reply,much appreciated
Hunny x