View Full Version : Tingling and cold foot/achey leg

16-04-12, 22:06
Hi all. last thursday i had a small sharp pain in my foot and from then on ive had random bouts of dead foot (like when you wake up on youre arm) or like for instance when youve sat down for too long and you start to get pins and needles in there but it wont go. Today I've had a really cold tingly foot all day like pins and needles but not as pricky(if that makes sense more of a numbing) and an ache in my lower leg. really panicing as to what it is? thought it was the start of a heart attack but got my friends who are nurses to take my pulse and my pulse was around 89ish ...which is quite high but I was worried at the time and I think my pulse is usually this high. I have had similar little feelings in my other foot as well but im not sure if this is anxiety or just the usual feelings you get. any one had this before??????????????

---------- Post added at 22:06 ---------- Previous post was at 20:31 ----------

ive just been for a walk and my foot doesnt seem so icey cold and tingly. but i now have a pain in my lower back and its similar to be heading towards the feeling i had about 7 weeks ago when i could not stop shaking and it felt like it was coming from my back the shakiness if that makes sense (which lead to a panic attack because i didnt know what it was). does anyone know what this sounds like or could be am reallly worried and scared its the start of another panic attack :(:( x

16-04-12, 22:39
Hello, sorry you are feeling so anxious. 89 bpm sounds about right for someone who is anxious, not much fun though. It's hard to relax when you're like that...

I seem to wake up with a dead foot/lower leg and at least one of my hands at the moment, it's really weird. I'm not too worried but keeping an eye on it. I had a lot of problems with my shoulders and neck from stress and I was getting pins and needles in my hands and foot a lot. My work sent me off to the doc incase it was RSI. The GP told me that it comes from an impinged nerve, so I think it's probably that resurfacing in my case, but if you are tense a lot in your shoulders, I wonder if it could be that? If so, I recommend a deep tissue/ sports massage.

As for the anxiety itself/PA would you consider some CBT to help manage / and get rid of them? I'd recommend the CBT4panic programme (look in the therapy forum) symptoms if you don't want to / can't afford to see a therapist.

18-04-12, 16:20
thanks for getting back to me. Its eased down a lot, its still a bit cold but I think it mustve been a nerve or something...

Ive been ok the last couple of days with anxiety as im back into my normal routine (i was out of it for a while) and I seem to be forgetting about it more, which hopefully is a good sign and I can try and get back to normal!

25-04-12, 16:51
Just came back on here because I still seem to be feeling this tingly numb feeling in the tip of my foot. It has been since I had 2 vaccinations last thursday. When I have laid down at night on my bed I have started getting pins and needles in my left foot when my leg is straight..I then try hanging my leg down but it doesnt seem to go away. I only cant feel the tinglyness when Im up and walking about. Would any one here advice going to the doctors just to check up? Im not severely worried and this isn't my Health anxiety as Im not panicked by it. I am very sure this is not anxiety as when I touch the skin where it feels tingly, the skin also feels weird when I rub it its almost like a vibrationy feeling (strange I know). However, I am worried that this will start off a bout of anxiety, as at the moment I am ok, but all the stuff that I know IS anxiety I will soon start to relate to my foot and think up all sorts of brain tumours and circulation, heart problems.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you.