View Full Version : I'm scared I'm gonna get a heart attack from flossing too much

16-04-12, 20:54
Ok I know I'm not the only one out there. But lately I've developed this huge urge to floss my teeth.
I enjoy flossing my teeth so much that I seriously get the urge to do it.
Just writing this makes me want to get up grab some floss and floss my teeth.
I've been doing this for about a week, so I'm just wondering how bad this is?
It actually feels really good and painful but not too painful like a tad stimulated.
Hard to explain.
Well I hope this isn't going to turn into a huge problem but I don't know what to do.
I'm just so addicted to flossing.

I like to brush my teeth first so they are nice and clean then I like to floss each tooth very perfectly for about 30 seconds, then when I'm done flossing all my teeth I like to use mouthwash to kill the bacteria.

It hurts a very tad bit, but also feels plesant and my teeth feel super clean.

Any comments? Thoughts? Is this bad?

I do this 3 times sometimes 4 times a day.

Edit: I ALSO JUST READ ON GOOGLE : since I just started flossing regularly that I shouldn't floss a lot because I can spread plaque to my veins and arteries that can clog the heart!!!!! Ok so which one is it? Is flossing good for you? Or bad for you! Ugh I'm so confused!

Recently about 3 weeks ago I spent $700 for a deep cleaning of my gums because my gums had so mch stuff in it like tartar and plaque and before I never flossed daily I only flossed once a week and brushed 2 times a day. Well I'm 24 years old. So tendoctor said she wouldn't fill my cavities until I've had a deep cleaning.
The dental hyginst she got this metal stick stuck it in my gums she was scraping everything out. She did numb me soninwouldnt feel anything. But yeah she kept going inside
My gums and scraping things out. Well now I've turned very OCD about my teeth because I wanna keep tem healthy , also I heard that flossing decreases risk for heart attack, plus I spent 700 dollars who wants to go through that again? Lol . But no seriously, now I read online somewhere that flossing too much if you haven't flossed regularly before is bad for your heart , clogs arterites. I just don't know what to do!
Did i put myself in danger !! ??

Another question, why does flossing feel so good! ????? I'm serious, this jus feels so good I wanna keep flossing .
Is there something going wrong with my gums? Why do my gums like this feeling?

16-04-12, 21:23
You aren't going to have a heart attack, but you should stick to flossing twice a day at most.. I floss once a day. More than that and it can be rough on your gums.

Obviously you have a bit of a compulsion right now to floss so when that happens try to distract yourself, have some water.. go for a walk, anything until the urge passes.

I know nothing about flossing and heart attacks but I'm pretty darn sure that you are going to be fine, if there is a link between flossing too much and heart attacks then it would take a very long time for you to be at risk I should imagine. I know plenty of people who floss a lot and they are still all alive! I have had tons of obsessions with my teeth and spoke to countless dentists and I have never been told that flossing too much is dangerous for the heart. But I'm not a dentist so if you can't cut down on the flossing then give yours a call.

The only thing you are probably at risk of is sore gums and at worst, wearing away tooth enamel if you aren't flossing correctly.

16-04-12, 21:28
doesnt ring true about plaque getting into veins? how would it do that? it could only go the way food does and it would come out of your bowel surely? i dont think you should worry but try not to floss as much as you will hurt your gums x

17-04-12, 13:26
Floss but not more than 2x a day ... you can damage your gums if you do too much. You won't have a heart attack though. If anything, they have only shown a link between poor dental hygiene and some heart problems. Not flossing too much and heart problems.