View Full Version : Worrying about hand cream going in mouth

17-04-12, 04:54
I woke up tonight with a panic attack as some cream for my eczema skin got on my face during my sleep. I felt I could taste it almost so i brushed my teeth and still felt worse as I even soaped the taps and could still taste it. I fear I'm dying incase some got in my mouth and into my system. It's one of these creams: http://www.aveeno.co.uk/products/category/body-care The Doctor gave me it for using at night but it's caused more anxiety..it gets all over my covers. The ingredients say it's full of aquas and alcohol things.

Anybody else get these worries?

now I googled this: http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/poison/hand-lotion-poisoning/overview.html

17-04-12, 09:52
Yes, I worry about all sorts of chemicals etc that might get into my mouth, absorbed by my skin, inhaled, through a cut or however else they might get into my body. Being rational (which I'm not alot of the time) your eczma cream is meant to be used on the face at night, so they will have taken into account that it might get into the mouth.

17-04-12, 10:50
aslong as you havent eaten the whole tube im sure youl be fine! However, i know how you feel and no matter how many people tell you youl be fine it doesnt calm you down haha.
could you ring or make an appointment with your dr? Theyl be able to advise you and hopefully put your mind at rest.
I get worries like this aaaaall the time. Im on alot of different medication for a condition i have and it is such a worry everytime i take my tablets :( i take about 7 a day, which is pretty stressfull haha! i get paranoid im allergic to everything.. food, shampoo, makeup, smells, medication iv been on for years!
last night i took one of my tablets which started dissolving in my mouth. Major panic! in my head i had acid burns and whatever else all in mouth! nothing acutally happened, i was fine. :)
also! try not to look at things on the internet, worst thing you can do! youl always be able to find someone whos had a terrifying reaction to something.