View Full Version : Want help now!

17-04-12, 10:06
Hi guys I'm very new to this, I actually found this sight when I has googling "aching arm". I'm 23 I have two young children 2 & 1 and a partner who works away. My anxiety over my health started when I suddenly fell pregnant and at the time a relative passed away from a blood clot after child birth and then a year later when I was pregnant with my second child another relative was lost to cancer. I became aware of my health anxiety about two years ago it all started with teeth grinding and then heart palpitations sore muscles sore jaw from the grinding during sleep etc, two years later I'm aware of my disorder but yet after all the research abd reading in still none the wiser and my health well it seems to mimic my thoughts and fears. I've got sore muscles aching arm sore groin a chipped tooth skin tingling..... And Ofcourse on my mind I'm dying.... Yet when I try to relax it just seems like something new will pop up. I had a full blood count done last week due to sore belly and everything came back normal, now the site belly is gone in having muscle aches......
I just want this all to stop, I'm overweight by 10 kgs yet I don't want to lose weight because weight loss is a symptom of cancer, it's crazy I feel like I'm killing myself from the inside out yet I can't stop this trail of thought and the fact my body just keeps having one thing after the other just does not help me.......

17-04-12, 10:42
Welcome Jessy, you are certainly not alone! I've suffered on and off for about 7 years, but when i had my little boy in 2008my anxiety spiralled and to this day am still suffering, i had a very traumatic birth. I know exactly how you feel as i feel like i'm dying most days. My anxiety also gets worse when i lose relatives or friends suddenly. My uncle died about 9wks ago of a heart attack and now my palps (and anything remotely suggesting a heart problem) are back. I too am slightly overweight and am scared off exercise, just in case it damages my heart.

17-04-12, 10:43
Hi Hun

Welcome :welcome:

This site is a great place to get some reassurance from us fellow anxiety sufferers.

First of all, sorry for your loses...this must have been hard. I am in a similar situation...I'm 27 have 2 kids and a husband in the Army....
I always get achy arms....my right arm is aching right now and has been all morning. I have had health anxiety for around 2 years now and got to it's highest point around the time I found out my husband was shot out on duty....then an old friend died of alchohol or cancer related problems....I'm not entirely sure which one but I saw him close to death and ever since it has been harder.

Health Anxiety is a nightmare....have you been prescribed any medication as yet?


17-04-12, 12:56
Thankyou so much for both reading and replying, I'm so glad and feel comfort I'm not alone in this fight!! @em no I was prescribed a anti depressant about 8 months ago, I was on for 8 days and then chucked them well away from me! I felt out of my head losing all control and just couldn't handle the fact that I was no longer in control, although I'm barely in control now I just couldn't handle not being in my own head..... If that makes sense..... My anxiety heightens every few weeks..... Months... I'm trying to figure out its cycle because I know there's a few weeks in between when I'm completely at peace with myself. I just want to rid these thoughts, these physical symptoms.,.. Just desperate to wake up and live

---------- Post added at 21:56 ---------- Previous post was at 21:04 ----------

Also may I add right now I have an " unexplainable" red bruise on my aching arm..... Worrying me

17-04-12, 14:29
Hi Jessy; you certainly aren't alone.

The feeling of "losing control" is (I believe) common for health anxiety. I suffer with that but it seems that people call it different things. Some say "derealization" some say "not in control" some say "disassociation". I just say "foggy".

You shouldnt (easy to say I know) worry about a bruise on your arm. We bump into things all the time without noticing. My wife bruises like a peach!! No harm ever came of her.

All the best