View Full Version : bowel cancer worrying me.

17-04-12, 11:41
Hello there,
I'm hoping for a bit of advice from some people who may be able to relate, as I am having a tough time at the moment.
I am 27 years old with a young daughter and a few weeks after I gave birth I started having terrible right sided low abdominal pain. I went to the Drs worrying it was my appendix but was assured it wasn't and was put on anti-depressants (I have a history of severe anxiety and depression). Anyway to fast forward the pain stayed pretty much constantly and so six months later I went back to the Dr in quite a state who referred me to a Consultant. 2 ultrasounds later and not much help from the Consultant he put it down to IBS and that was that. Its now 20 months or so since this pain started and I am still suffering with it. Its not so much constant anymore but I suffer with it every day, sometimes a lot worse than others. It's a sharp, niggling pain in one spot and then I have a general dull ache in the whole right sided region and a feeling of heaviness is the best way to describe it or as if something is there which shouldn't be.
I've always had anxiety about my health since as far back as I can remember, and I suffer with a lot of stress and depression in general. I've found myself constantly googling symptoms which I know is daft, but also I constantly try to self examine my tummy, prodding and poking and convincing myself that I can feel all kinds of lumps and masses in my right side and that I must have bowel cancer! What makes it worse is that I have a lot of bowel issues with being constipated which I have always had and so I can't help but tie all the symptoms together and come to the same conclusion that it must be bowel cancer and after having the pain for this long, it is surely going to kill me! Of course what makes me get even more stressed is knowing I have a young daughter and thinking that I will end up seriously ill or dying and not being here for her no more. Part of me is sure it must just be health anxiety because it plays on my mind all day, every day although on the rare occasion I am busy doing something and my mind is absorbed in other matters, I don't notice the pain. However 90% of the time the pain is very much there and I spend all my time dwelling on it. I haven't been back to the Drs about it for about 9 months now for various reasons. Mainly I guess because I have issues going out, and my Drs is a bit away from me and I just can't bare to put myself through lots of appointments to just be told its my depression or IBS causing it and them not taking my concerns seriously. Also I do feel silly about it because I try to convince myself so hard that it is 'just in my head' and that if I could just stop thinking about it and worrying, that it might just disappear. I just don't know what else I can put the pain down to because of where it is. I worry that it's my appendix, maybe a grumbling appendix, but that scares me to death too although obviously bowel cancer is my main concern.
I'm sorry that was so long, but I've tried to just get the main points across. I don't know why I am posting really or what I hope to hear back but I just needed to put it out there I guess. Thanks.

17-04-12, 11:50
you say its not constant pain and its 20 months since pain started, so i very much doubt its bowel or any other cancer.... my aunt died of bowel cancer, and after 20 months would have developed into far worse by now... i think you would know by now if it was seriously cancer...
So if bowel cancer is your main concern, i would say you dont have it... but if you need reassurance then you WILL need to go for tests at your docs. No one on here will be able to say for definate what you have or reassure you completely.
It could well be IBS..

17-04-12, 15:49
I agree with Stormsky.

I have had colonoscopies and endoscopies for gastointestinal issues and whilst I am not medically qualified, I do know (from experience) that stomach pain of itself isnt a symptom of bowel cancer.

Usually it presents with extreme weight loss, change in bowel habits, blood etc etc etc and if you have seen doctors, they would have you tested.

I dont think cancer of this kind could be left untreated for 20 months so just trust the GP's etc.

IBS is a known symptom of anxiety.

All the best

17-04-12, 16:25
My mom had a tumor in her colon and she found out because of extreme constant pain and non-stop diarhea for a month. It must be IBS, and you've had ultrasounds so you are doing all the right things.

Take care, it is so hard not to worry sometimes.

17-04-12, 16:37
This sounds almost identical to my IBS. I've had it for years now, but suddenly a few years ago, it got worse for no apparent reason. I got a sharp stabbing pain where my appendix is and ended up going to hospital. They kept me in overnight and decided it wasn't my appendix. It was so painful though, I was doubled over in agony!

I still get the pain, it comes and goes. Sometimes it's just a little niggle in that area, sometimes it's bend over in agony type pain. TMI - passing gas almost always helps! Lol.

My Drs prescribed me some antispasmodics (I'm on my third strength since it got worse) and they do the trick! Have your Drs given you anything for the IBS? The tables really help.. Although if you've been suffering this long then it might take a week or so for them to really kick in.

I find putting something warm on the area really helps too.. I have one of those teddies that you put in the microwave - He is amazing!

I hope you find some relief soon. IBS is awful :(

17-04-12, 16:39
Hi I am having the exact same symptoms I have just had urine samples a abdominal xray whilst awaiting them results i'm at my wits end My GP says I may have to have a ultra sound the wait is killing me! my brother as IBS and he is convinced I may have it as it has all the symptoms of what he is this past week I have had a large gurgling sound coming from my tummy and suffering with constipation ;( I can relate to you xx

17-04-12, 19:21
Thanks for all the replies. I was prescribed mebeverine for the ibs but didn't find it made any difference. I have just started taking enteric oil of peppermint capsules so i am hoping they might help a little, i've also started adding ground flaxseed to my diet for the constipation. Fingers crossed that things will ease somewhat, at least enough to stop be getting into such a tiz anyway!

20-04-12, 17:04
Thanks for all the replies. I was prescribed mebeverine for the ibs but didn't find it made any difference. I have just started taking enteric oil of peppermint capsules so i am hoping they might help a little, i've also started adding ground flaxseed to my diet for the constipation. Fingers crossed that things will ease somewhat, at least enough to stop be getting into such a tiz anyway!

Mebeverine doesn't touch my IBS any more & hasn't since I had the pain which is similar to the ones you have described. I'm now on Spasmonol which has worked wonders for me. If the Meberverine doesn't help, please go back to your GP and ask if it might be worth trying something a little stronger :)

Be careful when adding fibre to your diet.. Everyone with IBS reacts differently to it.. Fibre actually makes my IBS worse! Lol x