View Full Version : Temporary quick fix for anxiety?

17-04-12, 11:50
I have issues with alcohol abuse, in particular binge drinking on weekends, and after a 3 day bender ended on Sunday I descended into a state of complete panic. I phoned the NHS Direct phoneline in the early hours of Monday morning and they were great, managed to calm me down, and made it possible to see my local GP the next day. The GP put me in touch with an alcohol support group and I forced myself to go along and have an assessment. Afterwards I felt a lot better... until I went to the supermarket to pick up a prescription for vitamins. I began having panic attacks in the queue, convinced everyone was staring at me. I got home and spent most of the evening pacing around the house. Bedtime brought more panic attacks just as I was dosing off. Today I've woken up feeling so anxious I had to phone in sick at work again, I'm shaking and the thought of going out... I'm not sure I can. I've tried to get a telephone appointment with a doctor but they said they've nothing available til friday. I can't spend the rest of the week pacing around the house, the company I work for doesn't offer sick pay so it's going to hit me financially. Plus I'm supposed to be having my children around tonight.
So any suggestions on how I can get myself to calm down until friday when I can speak to my doctor would be very much appreciated.

17-04-12, 12:00
Theres no quick fix for anxiety.
Drinking makes it worse, so lay off drink... instead lots of water, to flush out your system, water has so many healing properties, people dont drink enough of it..
Vitamins are good, i take strong dose vit b... and exercise is good for releasing endorphins for feel good and mood lifting

17-04-12, 12:05
Breathing excersise is the best one i ever heard...when i tried it first time i felt it is not going to work out anymore,but later on i concluded how best they are..so pls give a try and i hope u feel better soon.

17-04-12, 12:31
Thanks for the replies.

Stormsky, even though having a few drinks would probably get me through the day, that's the "quick fix" that's put me where I am today so I'm determined not to do that. I've been prescribed strong dose vitamin b compound and thiamine by my GP yesterday so I'll take some when I finally eat something.

needhelp1, I'd forgotten about breathing exercises. When I was in my late teens I was told to try it out by my doctor, but being young I thought it was a waste of time. Think I can still remember them though, so gonna run a hot bath and try it out. Thanks.

Benefit Help
17-04-12, 12:45
Anxiety stems from so many things and there is no quick fix for it. There are some things which you can do to make yourself feel as good as possible though. If you are working, try and remain focused. If you're not, maximise your income by getting a benefit check from your local CAB or use the service we provide which I am not on here to advertise so I won't put the website link here. If you do want to speak to me then direct message me.
Exercise is fantastic too, and can make you feel great!

17-04-12, 13:25
Just tried to have a bath and focus on deep breaths and remaining calm but alas its had the opposite effect and triggered panic attacks so I had to get out :( The only thing I feel comfortable with right now is sitting here and the pacing around the livingroom.

Benefit Help, thanks for the reply. I'm actually in fulltime employment, the only reason I'm not there right now being my present state of mind. If I can't even sit still for 10 minutes... I might get some funny looks pacing up and down the office :)