View Full Version : plz some one help me I beg u

adam stone
17-04-12, 12:44
Hi my names adam I'm 27 from rotherham south yorkshire and I am in such a state and can't see a way forward I don't even no if I'm posting in the right place I've only just signd up but here goes I have suffered with anxiety and panic attacks since I was 18 but I beat it r so I thought a few months ago I started with head aches every day and it woried me and still does but then panic attacks came back and anxiety that got worse and no I don't feel real and nothings real around me its freaking me out n I'm scared I've been to doctors loads a times he put me back on ciltalopram wich hellped me before but now I've got phobias of taking tablets incase I freak out so I dint take em and yesterday I broke down in tears at my mums she took me to doctors and he said I need to take valium diazipam for two week then start citalipram so my mum made me take a valium not sure if it helped but I felt so sick when I woke up and so scared to take em plz some one help me my lifes over I can't take it

17-04-12, 12:45
Hi adam stone

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

17-04-12, 13:00
Hey Adam.

So sorry you've got yourself in a state at the moment. Incan understand your fears about taking medication. I too had the same fears and held off suffering for the past 3 years but have ended up having to go on the meds due to my anxiety sky rocketing to the point where I couldn't function or put food in my mouth! Now that I knew was doing far more damage then the meds would. I have so far been on Prozac for 22 days. I'm not really having any side effects to my shock and yes it's a struggle some days but things are improving slowly. If I'd known sooner that there were minimal side effects I would've done it years ago.

Its a really scary place where you are right now and your body probably needs some recovery time and to let go for a while. Take the Valium. It will calm your nerves. I would also encourage you to get on the medication for a long term relief. You will be fine and once again be able to enjoy life. They are very safe and if you decide you don't like them you can always stop and the effects will be gone, no harm done.


adam stone
17-04-12, 13:07
Hi kel thanks for taking time out and psting to me I no I'm my own worst enemy and I no I should take the meds I'm just so scared with wats going off I cry all the time and convinced my self there is some thing major wrong with me every thing around me including people just don't seem real its scary and the head aches r a killer I had an mri scan last week but didn't last threw the full scan so have another one booked I'm so scared in my life I don't feel normal at all and I love my lil boy so much and its killing me not been able to do all the things I'd like to

17-04-12, 13:45
Hi Adam,

I'm new on here today too. The feelings you described - things not seeming real especially - that's exactly how I felt when I first had anxiety as a teenager. I was prescribed Prozac which took a while to kick in but soon enough my perception of the world started going back to normal and I was able to start living again. You've taken the first steps by going to the docs. Take the medication, stick in there, and you'll be enjoying doing stuff the things you like again.

adam stone
17-04-12, 13:54
I'm just constantly scared and freaking out and I'm feeling sick since I started the valium as wee speak I'm burning up n feeling really sick its got to be the valium

17-04-12, 14:54
hi adam, look around this forum and read everything........what you have is what weve all got..and all know exactly how you feel...my posts alone will show you how i have messed up thru not wanting to take meds for long etc......take the meds its what theyre there for...you will feel well soon x

adam stone
17-04-12, 15:06
Thanks for commenting I no wat ur saying and I'm one a them where I constantky think its curtains for me and I must be the only one feeling like thsi but clearly I'm not its just such a horible feeling its 24 7 like its not me n all fake its horid then I take valium n feeling sick don't no if its cos I'm new to it r not I just wish it would go away I feel so sorry for people like us its not a life is it its just getting buy each day as they come I hope when I start the citalipram I start feeling better the valium 5mg is a short dose the docs gave me to try n stop me freaking out I'm just in a mess and hopefully I can become friends with prople on here and chat to and try and get better so thank u once again for commenting each and every one of u ps do u no any thing other than wat I've mentioned that could help

17-04-12, 15:10
Hi Adam, I feel for you, it's really hard to cope with isn't it.

When I first took an anti-depressant I cried and cried as I thought "Is this what it's come to".

However I'm now of the view of "sod it, I'll take it and see what happens" Nothing bad has ever happened when I've taken a drug. there can be side effects but you can always stop taking it if you need to. Valium is not a good long term drug and it sounds like it's not really helping you anyway.

17-04-12, 15:22
Hi Adam

Sorry you are in a state - this anxiety is a killer - causes all sorts of problems, you have your valium which you need to take and will relax you and take the headaches away.

You do need to take the Citalopram - start on a low dose and work your way up - yes there are side effects but for long term that is what you need. They will be the making of you. I worry about side effects - not on anything at the moment apart from Lorazepam and have to be careful with these but am seeing a psychiatrist on Thurs and know he will prescribe meds - which I know I do need as I feel myself slipping lower and lower but I will get side effects.

I have been like this before (but nowhere near as bad) and last time 15 years ago got the correct tabs in the first place. May be because I am older now my brain chemistry has changed and have not found medication that has helped hence getting the professional help now.

You will get there - have you any good mates that you can chat with or your dad, uncle, anyone.

Hope this helps a bit but take the tabs the doctors would not have given them to you if they didn't think they would work.

Good Luck Laura

adam stone
17-04-12, 16:02
Hi and thanks emz and laura I totally understand wat ur saying and its clear there's no instant cure I have had this problem before in my teens but no where near this bad and I was on citalipram for a fair few years and an ex partner persuaded me to come off em wish I didn't now but here I am in the gutter again its been a horible few years to be fair I got back with my sons mum and was over the moon I was seeing my son ever day and we went to turkey on holiday it was great I never felt better shortly after that holiday in october 2011 she left me I was heart broke and never really got over it I still had my son every other day wich was amazing but now I'm back at my parents and my son stops there with me every other day I'm mentioning this just incase it could be a factor why I relapsed will I really get any better??? And the head aches a daily there's just so much going on I have great friends but find that I tend to freak out more round them the only @eople I like being with is my mum and son I look back at my holiday and think how on earth did I ever do that I can't even drive no more the symptons r beating me

---------- Post added at 14:45 ---------- Previous post was at 14:32 ----------

Hi emz and laura thank u for talking time out to talk to me I totally understand wat ur both saying and you will both no how hard it is when u get to this point the head aches r killers convinced my self its a brain tumour wat else could it be head aches every day for 3 months? I no the citalipram will do me good I was on them years back and an ex partner persuaded me to come of them so I did wish I didn't now tho but any way my life got back on track I got back with the mother of my son and was over the moon she was my childhood sweatheart any way it was all good we even went on holiday to turkey in september last year but shortly after in october she left me wich destroyed me I was hurting so bad but I still get to spent time with my son I'm back at my mums now so he comes down three times a week and at weekends I'm still close to his mum as well I'm mentioning this incase it could be the reason I relapsed??? I have good friends but find my self panic more round them so there's only my mum my sons mum and my son I feel safer round

---------- Post added at 15:02 ---------- Previous post was at 14:45 ----------

Sorry for commenting twice I didn't no it had gone on stupid phone

17-04-12, 21:52
Hi Adam, I was diagnosed 2 years ago and was really very bad - intense feelings of unreality / didn't feel real etc. I thought i was going crazy and would end up locked up in a padded room!! I have a little girl and a husband and my feelings for them became 'numb' - I knew i loved them a lot but nothing felt real (hope this makes sense).

It's called depersonalisation / derealisation - a couple of sites helped me gain an undersatnding / acceptance of these symptoms:
anxiety no more (the book a life at last)

linden method

claire weekes books

and of course this site.

I've developed health anxiety - convinced I have a brain tumour because i get shooting / stabbing pains in my head, headaches, strange vision and hearing. It's like a switch goes off in my head and then the anxiety begins!

The conclusion is clear - don't feel afraid of your symptoms and they will decrease and diminish eventually.

| promise you when I say I was really very bad with it all but it gets easier and things return back to normal when you just learn that actually there is nothing wrong with you - you are not physically or mentally ill.
Don't spend your days reading all the negative / bad comments on forums - you need positive mental attitude!!!
So in a nut shell CHILL OUT and STOP WORRYING!!

adam stone
18-04-12, 12:56
Hi sarah yes that's how I feel as soon as I open my eyes I feel it and its freaking me out how long will I feel like this? I miss my life and playing with my son I begged my mum to hospitalise me so some one can look after me I feel that bad u sound like such a strong person I wish I had ur power does medication work ?? I'm at my wits end

---------- Post added at 11:49 ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 ----------

And I'm same wi head aches I have them every day I have for past 3 month and this is when anxiety started the pain is un real and I also believe its a tumour it can't be owt else

---------- Post added at 12:56 ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 ----------

I can't vtake it every things werid I'm cracking up I'm so scared this is the end for me I'm loosing it

18-04-12, 22:09
Hi Adam, I have experienced the same thing youare feeling its the "derealization" that you're feeling. It always happens to me after a build up of extreme anxiety and then it starts on top of the anxiety I have and then it causes more anxiety. You feel as if you will never feel normal again. The feelings of talking to your kid or whoever and it just doesn't feel "real" or you're at the store or even in your own home, you feel like nothing is real around you. It is very scary feeling, but it will pass. You will snap out of it, with meds or no meds. I do suggest the meds though. I am recently going through an anxious period for the last 4 weeks, high anxiety feeling all day no appetite etc. I just started zoloft yesterday. I had only been off of it for 3 months and now going back on cuz a spike in my anxiety came back. I was originally on it for 9 years. It did help a lot. Please try and relax and know u are not going to feel the derealization/anxiety forever, I know easier said than done! I ought to talk to myself like this sometime, maybe my anxiety would stay away :) good luck

adam stone
19-04-12, 00:13
Hi snoopy yes that is how I feel more a less constantly and like there no end in sight and cos I wana get better so bad it gets me down and the head aches every day just add to all the problems well its doctors again in morning see wat he says I no he will just say take the meds wich I will force my self to do I want my life back so bad I've lost interest in just about every thing and I'm house bound clearly not a way to live a life I feel for u and any one who is going threw this cos its just the hardest in the world I have another mri scan booked for next monday I'm horified even thinking bowt going for it leaving yhe house is a masive task never mind the hospital but I need to no wat these head aches r as I'm convinced its a tumour wich again is so wrong to think but I can't think ov any other reasons for them thanks again for ur words and support

19-04-12, 01:46
You're welcome Adam. With my anxiety, its all about dwelling on a certain "symptom that my body gives and I dwell on it too, until I'm convinced its horrible too. Its awful!! I am so glad I found this site, as its the first messag board I've ever written on before, and I started having anxiety/panic when I was 18, now 35. I am sure you are just fine. The meds will definitely help you. I have never tried valium or xanax type meds, like u just took. But I've only been on the zoloft and it worked, still anxiety here n there with it, but nothing like I am experincing now being off of it. (Just started it last night again). So hopefully it'll go back to working for me. If u take something similar to Zoloft, please give it a try even if it gives u side effects in the beginning, they usually pass. Hang in there. Sit in a quiet room by yourself and breathe in and out of your nose slowly, 5-6 times , periodically throughout the day or try some easy yoga postures, look online. It does take the edge off a little. Kit!

adam stone
19-04-12, 16:37
Ye it really sucks I been back to docs this morning and he said to take 20 mg citalipram a day and a valium if things r still bad till the cit gets in my system he seems convinced the cit will work and in a few weeks time I will start to feel a bit better wish I had the same hope as he does I'm starting to feel sick when waking up from sleep I mentioned this to him and he says that its not the valium abd probs the anxiety cos I have it so bad at the min wich I dobut I keep telling my self it can't be anxiety making me feel like this it must be some thing major no way anxiety can make some one feel so bad and the derealisation is so freaky and constant I just hope in time I can come back on here and read wat I put and and be miles better I just no its going to take a while but the meds start tn8 I'm gunna take the cit at night to hopefully sleep some side effects of if I have any the doc says not every one gets em

19-04-12, 18:37
Good to here that you are starting the med. When you wake up you said you are feeling sick, that can definitely be from anxiety and the meds also. But, more likely the anxiety since u just started taking the valium. If it makes u feel better , here's how my morning goes: I wake up (usually earlier than usual) and immediately I feel hot and my stomach is turning, gurgling, knots I end up feeling really hot, chest and stomach feel like high anxiety and butterfly feeling. I automatically think about how I will feel for the day etc etc. Mornings are the WORST time of day for me. If you are feeling anything like that, then its anxiety. Some days I will feel like this ALL day. My anxiety and physical symptoms are better but definitely not gone, at night time. I hope this gives u some comfort and I too cannot wait to come back here and write my success story with getting back on meds and feeling so much better. The derealization is sooooooo annoying, I know...I had it 24/7 for a long time . U need to do some relaxation, yoga, meditation. Might sound silly or might not think about it cuz u r so anxious righ now, but just try it. Kit!

19-04-12, 18:55
Hi Adam
Im sorry you feel so sad at the mo. My advice would be to start the meds asap. Diazepam will help just stick with it hun. You are prob feeling sick due to anxiety rather than diazepam. We are all here to help any time,

19-04-12, 18:57
Hi Adam,

Sorry to but in on your thread but just read through it and wanted to say please please please give cit a try!!

Reading your posts you sounded exactly like me a few months ago!! I tried so hard to fight it without any help from meds as I was so frightened!! But 7 weeks ago after a massive melt down at work I decided I had to do something and couldnt go on like this!! I couldnt even look after my 2 year old son without the help of my mam and hubby constantly being around.

I was only given 10mg and now what I difference!!! I am doing normal day to day tasks etc still have fears of doing things but with practise and positive thinking I know I will get there.

What you have to remember is the way you are feeling now and would it be so bad for a short while MAYBE and I say MAYBE cos you may not get any side effects at all, feeling a little bit worse so that you will be better??

I too suffered when I was 18 with the same illness and got through it and that was 12 years ago!! If You did it then, then you WILL do it again!!!

NMP has been my lifesaver (and cit) and I have met some brilliant people who have seen me through some of the darkest days of my life!!

I take my meds on a night also!! Still darenlt change to a morning!! But thats me, it the way I am and you will be fine.

We are all here to help and support you!!

Take care!!

Kendra xx

adam stone
19-04-12, 19:14
Thanks for all ur support and telling me ur experiances it does give me some hope and I need hope right now so bad I have hit rock bottom this time and don't no why I have developed this phobia of taking tablets I always think oh I'm gunna freak out if I take this its gunna make me feel funny crazy I no and the worst thing is the derealisaton part of it for me its so scary and just won't go away I'm scared a been alone snd constantly think the worst I love been a sleep cos I can't feel any thing but then I fear waking up cos I no how I'm going to feel do u think within a few weeks taking the cit I will feel an improvement and thank u all so much for commenting as I feel so alone and feel like there is only me like this

19-04-12, 19:19
You will definitely feel better. I was afraid to take pills too, after 6 years of anxiety episodes I decided I needed some relief. I hit bottom too, would not leave my house, for weeks or more. My mom finally flew out to my state where I live and dragged me to th dr. To get help. I know the meds will start helping, just takes a bit to work. Hang In there.

adam stone
19-04-12, 19:47
Thanks snoopy I will deffo start the cit tonight I am scared and no doubt once I take one will start freaking out god knows why but I will stick with it for sure I've got some people from the mental health coming to see me monday as well I just want my life back and be able to go places with my son I miss those things so much and its really hard cos he is only four and dosnt understand wich any four year old wouldn't but I want to beat this so bad

19-04-12, 21:50
Crikey fella, it sounds as if you are really suffering at the moment. Just remember that this level of anxiety WILL pass. It always does. When a fresh dose of anxiety arrives it will often knock you back just like you describe but it will level out in a while. The meds should take the edge off and speed your recovery. Good luck with it.

19-04-12, 22:18
Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I promise that the way you are feeling is all totally and utterly normal in anxiety. The only way out is to remove the fear from the way you feel. I promise you with all my heart that you are NOT mad, NOT loosing it and NOTHING horrible is going to happen to you!!! I PROMISE.

You need to stop worrying about the way you feel and carry on with as much normality as you possibly can. This is not easy and really f***in awful at this present time but it will make you feel better in the long run. No matter how crappy / horrid you feel right now...it's not forever....just for now. Your mind needs you to give it a break!!!! So give it one!!

Again I promise it's all normal and it will get better xxx

adam stone
20-04-12, 12:53
I started the cit last night and worked my self in to a frenzy and got my mum to come and sleep in the spare bed I have such a fear of tablets and don't no if its me wats making me worse or the tabs I woke up this morning in a frenxy as well the feeling of not been hear and unreal is kiling me and the head aches

20-04-12, 13:24
Welcome my friend, first of all your not going mad. Your worrying so much that ya head carnt take it all in. Lets get one thing straight here, nothing bad is going to happen to you. You need to start telling yourself your fine. Try and involve yourself in something that will distract you from all your negative thoughts, because its those thoughts that are pulling you down. Alot of us have gone through this and recovery is all about staying strong and being positive. You WILL get better, stay strong my friend, big hug to ya :hugs:

adam stone
20-04-12, 14:09
Thanks for being so nice and I want to be positive and I try so hear its just too much I really want my life back so bad and can't stop thinking that I've got a stupid brain tumour its cos I've had head aches over 3 months and can't think wat else it could be I wish I wasn't scared a medication cos maybe valium would help I dunno

adam stone
20-04-12, 20:59
Well tonight will be night 2 on citalipram 20mg I'm scared dunt no why but I am and I build my self into a frenzy I do have some valium diazepam thinking bout taking one a them scares me as well wat do I do grrrrrrr why can't I be normal

20-04-12, 22:51
Try and keep calm adam, I and many others know exactly what you're going through and its easy for me to say, but it really is the key to feeling better. You will not get better overnight, but the sooner you start to think calmer you will start to feel better and the physical symptoms will subside. Its hard to get your head round the fact that this is just anxiety doing this to you but it is, its amazing how unwell and strange it can make you feel but your just overloaded at the moment, and the only way to get rid of some of the anxiousness is to relax and breathe and just calm down. I can't say it enough. Take your medication, I understand its scary but its there to help you. You will not go mad and you will not get hurt. All this nausea and headaches are just a result of adrenaline and muscle tension. They will not harm you. I was like you 6 years ago, no harm ever came of me. Please just believe its anxiety and you will get better. And if you ever need anyone to talk to this is the best place to do it.

Be strong mate.

adam stone
21-04-12, 13:29
Thanks trees its just so hard every day is a masive strugle I will keep at the medication on the long run the citalapram I will stay on them and me mum is trying to ram valium down my throat as my doctor prescribed em me and said to take 3 5mg a day but that scares me cos I'm scared they will freak me out r make me feel worse its such a strugle

21-04-12, 14:23
hi adam,

Am not going to feel sorry for you as i know only too well that you will get better - in fact you'll get much better. stick with the v's and then the c's thereafter. my own story would make you feel better. one day al write it all down. its all a mess right now but please believe me - it will sort itself oot.

don't ever stop talkin and never give up.

can't wait to read all about your improvements

stay strong bro


adam stone
21-04-12, 15:09
Thanks wallsy and I hope ur right I would love to right a sucess storry I really would its now becoming clear that I'm not alone I feel so sorry for any one going threw this its so hard to imagine that all this is down to nerves and anxiety I was such a strong lad always centre of atention now I hardly come out a my room well its 3rd night on citalapram tonight had a bad day today wi anxiety but I am going to keep taking them and sticking in there just wish I could build up the courage to take a valium when it gets to much thanks for the advice mate

29-04-12, 17:31
How ae you doing Adam?

adam stone
29-04-12, 20:49
Not good at all I stopped taking meds cos I'm freaking out n think they make me freak out and still got head aches n convinced its a brain tumour I'm just in a mess and think its the end for me

anx mum
29-04-12, 21:06
Hi adam i too have suffered with anxiety since 17 on and off so can understand to how your feeling. The diazpam the doctor will give u will calm u down im on it u wont b as anxious trust me depending what mg you may feel tired. You will be ok hun im the same at the mo taking one day at a time pm anytime ok:hugs:

adam stone
29-04-12, 21:12
Thx anx mum and I'm sorry u feel same its just too much for me I don't believe its anxiety at all I reckon its a brian tumour cos a head aches and its causing me to feel like this I feel sick nearly all time and dreamy like nowts reel I'm so scared x

anx mum
29-04-12, 21:19
Anxiety really makes you believe you have something wrong with you believe me when i say ive thought ive had all sorts you wont believe anyone cos its real and your going through it. Im on 6mg of diazpam 3 times a day it does help hun in the short term dont be scared of them they just made me abit drowsy. Have u told your doctor your worrys?

adam stone
29-04-12, 21:30
Ye I don't no if u have read my other posts but I've had anxiety since teens but its come back and the head aches came bout 3 months ago wich then after that lead to how I am now so that's why I believe its a tumour and ye I've spoke to doc he says I need to take my meds 20mg citalipram and then three 5 mg diazepam a day but I'm scared to and he thinks its stress n anxiety wi head aches a was sent for an mri but didn't last all the way threw and have one booked for may the resulys that came back from fist scan was no intercerianial abnormalaties wat ever that means he said was clear but wasn't in there long enough to get a full scan I just have no quality of life at all I feel like I need looking after but I split with my partner months back n my parents both work

anx mum
29-04-12, 21:38
Ye I don't no if u have read my other posts but I've had anxiety since teens but its come back and the head aches came bout 3 months ago wich then after that lead to how I am now so that's why I believe its a tumour and ye I've spoke to doc he says I need to take my meds 20mg citalipram and then three 5 mg diazepam a day but I'm scared to and he thinks its stress n anxiety wi head aches a was sent for an mri but didn't last all the way threw and have one booked for may the resulys that came back from fist scan was no intercerianial abnormalaties wat ever that means he said was clear but wasn't in there long enough to get a full scan I just have no quality of life at all I feel like I need looking after but I split with my partner months back n my parents both work

No i havent read your posts like yourself ive suffered with this since teens and like you it keeps coming back and everytime it scares me so much. You need so much support are you seeing a councillor or anyone? Maybe your feel better in may when you have scan? I know your scared but the meds will help you once there in your system your start to feel a little better and it wont be forever. U do need support try and talk to your parents or a friend.

adam stone
29-04-12, 21:51
Ye I just hope I can get out a house to have the scan at min I've not been out the door in over two weeks and I speak to my mum n that but it just seems no one seems to understand me and I did see a bloke from cbt but then became house bound so crisis team came to see me n says I need proper therapy and been put on list wich is a six month wait wich he says by then I will be better

anx mum
29-04-12, 21:58
Ye I just hope I can get out a house to have the scan at min I've not been out the door in over two weeks and I speak to my mum n that but it just seems no one seems to understand me and I did see a bloke from cbt but then became house bound so crisis team came to see me n says I need proper therapy and been put on list wich is a six month wait wich he says by then I will be better

Its terrible isnt it six weeks i saw crisis team as i was constantly in tears and like you housebound. No people dont understand they say pull yourself together if only you could eh thats what my dad is like. You will get better hun just takes time like your worried about your head im worried about my arm and chest been getting pains too and i always think the worse and i am a worrier. Ive got too go now but try and stay calm and if things get worse take a diazpam it wont hurt you. Im on 2moz if you wanna chat:hugs:

adam stone
29-04-12, 22:05
Ok hun thanks for chat I don't feel as alone now and thanks for advice

29-04-12, 23:37
Adam- I do believe you should try the valium type drug that the dr. Prescribed. It will help you! Its been 16 years since my anxiety and last week was the first time I tried xanax (valium type drug) and it has helped me soooooo much because it works immediately. I've been convinced I had awful diseases too, to the point of getting every symptom possible and I was fine. Take the other med, it will help u!!!

30-04-12, 10:08
Hi Adam hope you are feeling a little better. I too have the drug phobia, can take neurofen and paracetomol without thinking (although if you read the possible side affects i should be concerned) yet cant take anything related to mental health. It is so irrational as I had vertigo where i couldnt lift my head of the bed and immediately took the drug to stop it. But come to drugs for anxiety i freak when i look at the packet. I know how you feel and it doesnt matter how many people say it will be fine and you know yourself the side affects are unlikely you still know you will panic ?
I have tried talking myself round with what if i needed chemo drugs I would have to take them etc but it doesnt help. The only thing that slightly helped was some one saying look at the state you are in, look how bad you have felt. No drug on a low dose can make you feel that bad and even feelingthat bad you have survived until the next day to do it all again. You are stronger than you think.
The symptoms you have are all anxiety and the unreal feeling in my view is what people have said a complete over load so your mind shuts off. I have been there and still off work working through it. Hope you are improving.x

adam stone
30-04-12, 10:45
Thanks rocky and snoopy u are both right and I no u are I just need to be strong and take them my mum says after a feew week ill start feeling better wich is wat I need so bad its just one thing after another with me and these head aches r carying it all on cos I got it in to my head that I'm dying from a brain tumour I no it might sound daft but wat else could it be its been ever day for over 3 months I no I've suffered wi anxiety many years but when the head aches came I was doing good not on meds r any thing but after a while of having head aches the anxiety came back ten times worse than ever before if I new it wasn't owt like a tumour I think I'd be able to have the power to fight with my nerves and anxiety I just really am at my wits end

30-04-12, 11:32
Hi Adam, I have had the brain tumour worries too. I had to see someone about it and she made me look at all the symptoms for a brain tumour and the fact they dont come and go, no matter what you was doing they wouldnt go away and that means sleeping too. You wouldnt sleep with it, and three months on new severe symptoms would have appeared that wouldnt look like anxiety, I was terrified of looking at the symptoms as i thought i wuld then imagine i had them, but the difference is they would never go off and would get more severe day after day. Im sure if you are like me you will now say but they are getting worse as they are not going away, but that isnt the same. A doctor could tell very quickly if you had the symptoms and wouldnt take a chance with getting it wrong. Most head pain I am told comes from your scalp muscles and your neck it isnt actually your brain hurting.
I also thought right if my head sorts itself out i will be ok i can deal with the other silly symptoms but not this head. Well what actually happened was it did go off when i convinced myself and months had passed onlt to be replaced with a new fear which seemed as bad. So try and remember that head pain is one of the hardest anxiety symptoms to get rid of and a very classic symptom, dont think it isnt anxiety as i dont know a single person with anxiety or depression that hasnt had a bad head a lot of the time. ok x

---------- Post added at 11:32 ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 ----------

P.S I also have medication i need to take and havent, but reading about your fear of medication made me see more clearly that i need to take it, Thank you x

adam stone
30-04-12, 13:11
Hi rocky I hope u are right I just find all this with how poorly I am hard to believe that its anxiety its so scary and I feel so alone my parents and friends r there for me but I just feel that they don't understand me I'm so scared right now if it wasn't for the fact I had a son who I love to bits then maybe I wud a just ended it cos its not a life at all I have no quality of life its jsut so much ti cope with and the depersonalisation feeling like a dream that's freak and today I feel like there's presure behind my ears and in my ears and a buzzing noise I really can't see me getting better at all and I want to so bad I really do and I have got will power I went cold turkey and quit smoking 12 months ago and never looked back but this is the devil that I just can't beat x

30-04-12, 14:25
I have said all the things you are saying just weeks ago, i still have days of it too. You need to get medically checked out first and be reassured there is nothing else wrong as no one can tell you on here you are perfectly fine. But when you have been checked and assured it's anxiety then believe me you can feel really unwell, not just anxious or panicky, but ache and hurt and have all odd non specific symptoms and vague things that dont appear on a list of symptoms. Until you believe you have anxiety it wont get any easier as your worrying is making it worse. If i listed you all my symptoms you would be shocked at the range I have, and how i just some days felt like i had flu or couldnt quite wake up, it all honestly is anxiety. Unless someone has had it they wont understand totally how you feel and sometimes because they want you to get better they dont even want to hear your new symptom as it worries them. Once you believe it and try your hardest to relax or think ok give me your worse symptom and if it is that bad i will go to A&E you will gradually lose some of your fear of it and that will help you get better. I am still unwell and its taking a long time to go but there is a very gradual improvement, which is very frustrating as I want to just be me again. I know how it is when you think, ok if its anxiety then its in my head so i will do something normal, and then you do it and feel awful. Dont be fooled into thinking it isnt a real condition or you are imagining it, you are not, you have those symptoms its just they are caused by your nerves not an illness. I havent taken medication but some times people need to, to get over that real panicky point when its at its worse. Its only that I had it 18 years ago that I have held off as i recognise the symptoms this time xx

---------- Post added at 14:25 ---------- Previous post was at 14:19 ----------

If you havent seen this, give it a go made me feel so much better
dr clair weeks self help for your nerves

adam stone
30-04-12, 14:47
Thanks a lot u do talk a lot of sense and I no every thing u are saying is right like head aches won't go when I constantly think about them If I was well enough to get to a and e for a full check up I would but at min I'm house bound maybe tonight I will try another go of the citalipram owts worth a shot x

---------- Post added at 14:47 ---------- Previous post was at 14:45 ----------

And ye I seen her books on ebay I'm broke but will ask my parents bout geting me one I'm 28 next month and want a life x

30-04-12, 15:19
Try and think positive and think right im going to give this another go, because no amount of worrying or staying in is helping you is it.

When you say you cant go out, why is that ? because a brain tumour wouldnt be any different in or out ? Im not suugesting you have one at all, but wonder what your logic is on this. I too didnt go out but it wasnt because i was scared of that but because i generally felt unwell and worried i would have a panic attack out. If you had something seriously medically wrong you would just have those symptoms you wouldnt have a worry about going out, does that help in showing you it is anxiety ?
take care you will get there

01-05-12, 10:23
hope all is well

adam stone
01-05-12, 12:33
Hiya just woke up to another head ache didn't really have much of one yesterday but todays making up for it and I don't go out cos I feel unwell and scared and there's no where to run to I jusy don't feel me if ya get me and I feel shocking x

01-05-12, 12:50
Hi Adam, i know how you feel, anxiety is a terrible thing. I won't leave the house somedays because i'm too scared that something will happen to me. When i drive to and from home, i'm in a state because i'm terrified of crashing the car. I get headaches too, which is mostly likely caused be tension and worrying. Anxiety can manifest itself in so many ways, trust me some of the symptoms i've had i would never have put it down to anxiety.

01-05-12, 14:02
Hiya sorry to hear that,
are you able to go outside at all like out the back to get some fresh air as being in doors will eventually give anyone a headache. Do you feel any better if someone goes out with you ? I know what you mean about feeling too unwell that is how I was with it. It is so horrible and difficult for anyone to understand, it would be good if there was someone that could help you through it, like someone around locally. I always wished i had someone that would come round and tell me what to do and be there when i tried as i was tired of fighting it. It would be really hard to take medication as well if you are scared of it and alone.

adam stone
02-05-12, 18:18
I went on the garden today for ten minutes and came back in and now hours later I feel **** major **** like dreamy n fake but scared as well and I hate it so much and another thing I noticed is I'm geting like odd shooting star in my eyes and now and thenfull sets a stars like when ya stand up too quick but its happening more than usual like on turning head n stuff I'm just scared I'm done for

02-05-12, 19:07
Do you have migraines ? it could be a visual migrain through all the stress they dont always have pain with them. I have had that a few times when i have turned my head quick in the bath was really scary.
My daughter gets that with anaemia as well ?
When did you last get checked over by a doctor .. maybe you need to just be reassured that you are well. I know it's difficult when you cant get out, but would help. Have you got people that would go with you ?

adam stone
02-05-12, 21:02
I've booked an apointment for next week and I do suffer wi migranes but I doubt this been it but can't rule it out when I had migranes before I got like flashing lines and blank spots I dunno I freak my self out more I'm my own worst enemy convincing my self I'm guna die all time just can't seem to shake it and its pissing me off x

02-05-12, 21:08
Yeah its really scary, my son has the eye stuff and has ended up in hospital thinking he is going blind. He gets the flashing and blank spots and sometimes his whole vision goes in one eye, but they said its silent migrains.
It is really horrible to live with and if you are living alone must be so much harder. It is very unusual to just die so young though, did something set this off in you ? when did it start ? x

adam stone
02-05-12, 23:55
Erm the anxiety started when I was 18 I put it down to drug abuse and when it started in my late teens I stoped drinking tottaly and using drugs so I've been of every thing for going on ten years apart from prescrition drugs and the worrying stuff with health has really been this past 8 to 12 months death is a masive fear of mine so any aches n pains I'm putting it down to some thing major witch I no my self is so silly and unlikely but these head aches r way out there not like ur average head ache r aches n pains and the anxiety came back recently after I thought I beat it and contained it clearly I was wrong I don't no if spliting up with my partner trigered it r not but looks like its hear for the long haul just wish I cud find out wat these head aches r well I have got the mri scan in may god knows if I will be able to manage it this time x

03-05-12, 05:38
Hi Adam

I just joined and really feel your desperation. I have had anxiety/panic problems on and off for a long time and have always refused medication. But things have come to a head now and it's been incredibly bad so have agreed to start taking sertraline. But the irony is that the idea of taking them mainly due to side effects also increases my anxiety...

I have been a bit naughty as not started yet as my friend gave me some tranquillisers and decided to take a couple of them first to get immediate help as the panic attacks have been so bad I have had to leave the flat in the middle of the night for a walk and some fresh air, for me the night times are the worst as am an insomniac as well.

Some counselling or CBT could be helpful too. Keep believing that things will get better and you will feel 'normal' again! I am trying my damndest :)

03-05-12, 06:44

03-05-12, 09:15
Hi Adam im glad you have an appointment and i know its going to be very hard and im not sure i could manage an mri but that would really put your mind at rest. I am hoping someone is actually going with you.
I know someone who has had very similar experience with drug use and he has nly to be an environment with people smoking something for it to trigger him off and set off a string of symptoms.He has also been left with the visual things you describe, but has been to hospital and they have said he now has visual migrains. I hope yours is the same sort of thing.
At least you have a history of anxiety to be able to think yeah i have had this before.
Im sure your break up will have had a massive affect on you, who evers decision it is, it is still a massive trauma especially if you have a child ?

These headaches, are they excruiatingly painful or are they strange ? One of my worst symptoms I have had is bad heads, they are not a normal headache more like i feel i have something very painful coming through the top of my head, i can virtually touch where the pain is. I also get a feeling like i have strained something in my head as if it is burnt out. I sometimes feel like i have brain freeze or have gone out in the freezing cold and breathed in through my nose. Thats as best as i can describe it nothing like the normal headache.
I dont think you will get any relief until you know your head isnt anything serious. Do you think you are worrying about medication because of the problems you have had, started with drugs.
You are very young and everyone had these fears at time but you being in and unwell constantly thinking about your health will mean it seems worse. If you was at college or working or just and about these fears would probably slip back and not be so in your head all the time.
You do sound very low at the moment, could you stay with someone for a bit while you started medication ? I cant talk about medication really as i dont take any lol, but then i dont live alone. x

adam stone
03-05-12, 13:29
Ye the fear of taking medication alone maybe set me of in panics and my mind may also tell me I feel unwell this is the main reason I'm so afraid to take em incase the freak me out n make me feel worse I'm stoping at mt parents house now I have a flat across the road from them but just can't stop there its way to scaryi don't think I have the power to beat this at all I'm freaking out now as I'm writing this feel so scared like I'm not hear not real and like I'm going to die my parents both work so I'm alone threw the days wich is so bad I have been looking for a place like for anxiety sufferes where I'd be looked after and medicated cos I don't no wat else I can do I woke up today wi head ache at front of my head just above my forehead I've noticed head aches r not always in same place I believe in my head its a tumour and that's why anxiety came back cos of the fear I fed it and its eating me all up I really hope I'm wrong about a brain tumour so I can then try n beat how I'm feeling I no anxiety n sytess is main cause for head aches but every day for over 3 months is a long time and anxiety didn't come back till like a month after head aches its just so strange and maybe instead a jumping str8 on 20mg citalipram try 10mg see if that helps wi how I feel towards them I wish I wasn't scared a tablets cos the valium I've got people swear by it n say its a wonder drug short term but I feel like I've given up n its like I'm sat waiting to be taken I have a son who is 4 and he is my life and it breaks my heart that I'm like this and can't be a proper daddy to him so sad and it was his mum who I split with in october this year she left me her reason was she didn't love me like she should we r still friends tho and she does help me a lil bit when she can I hope I havnt left any thing out x

---------- Post added at 13:29 ---------- Previous post was at 12:24 ----------

If any one would like my mobile number just ask as I use my phone to come on here and its so slow so I'm sorry for getting back to the posts late

03-05-12, 16:36
Well on the positive side im pretty sure you havent got a brain tumour, as i have known two people with them and you havent mentioned any of their symptoms and one of them never even had a headache. So when you are given the all clear on that it will give you a massive relief and then you will stronger to deal with the other stuff.It will seem far less frightening than what you are dealing with now.
I think you are probably breathing too shallow and making you feel unreal, i know what it is like to feel like that.
There was a time when our son was sleeping on our bedroom floor as an older teenager because he was so freaked out. But it did pass.

---------- Post added at 16:36 ---------- Previous post was at 16:35 ----------

p.s i have a habit of leaving this signed in when im not here x

adam stone
03-05-12, 17:23
Bless him and I hope ur right I no some one with a brain tumour and she never had any head aches and I've read that u only get head aches with em cos it when they have grown that big they put presure on ur head/ scalp I just can't help thinking it is tho I once went to a and e with it and she said its very unlikely to be a tumour cos I had a ct scan bout 3 years back and it was clear and she says it would take years for a tumour to grow and not in the space of 3 years I dunno just hard to see past it been owt else and I do worry that every thing is the worse but that's wat we anxiety sufferes do I've also been getting like buzzing in my ears like a presure feeling I'm really just falling to bits x

03-05-12, 20:32
Yeah I have the buzzing in my ears and as soon as I notice it I then listen to it and it drives you mad.

Your ears are affected by tense muscles, the muscles in your neck and ears are very sensitive so when tense they will affect yur hearing. Thats why balance is affected it is the muscles in the ears being tensed, so dont worry about that.

Your head can be so bad with anxiety though, I have had incredible head sensations and if you had a tumour that big to be causing pressure on your head it would be causing so many other symptoms and most possibly fits. I will be glad to hear from you when you have been and had it checked. But you must promise yourself you are going to believe them because they really wont miss it.

When my son had bad tension headaches he ended up in A&E and they looked in his eyes and said no way lol but they did say is when your head is really bad lie on a hard floor completely flat on your back and it should ease a bit if its a tension headache. Have you had your eyes tested at all as more brain problems are picked up by opticians than are by doctors ?
My worse symptom was my head i couldnt even think straight and my eyes seemed blurred, really light sensitive and i was sure things kept flashing at the side of my sight. My mobile hurt my eyes so much when it lit up it was like a shock.....
You can be so ill with anxiety x

05-05-12, 10:35
Hope all is well x

adam stone
06-05-12, 12:58
Hi sorry I havnt been on for a few days really having a bad time with head aches and the not real feeling proper proper scared bout head aches my mum n friends keep telling me its nearly been four months with em and if it was wat I think it is then they say they would be other symptons and stuff but really can anxiety n stress cause head aches every day and even to wake up wiyh them? I can't wait to get to doctors on wednesday I don't no wat he can do but some thing has to be done I just wish I could take the medication grrrrrrrr

06-05-12, 14:22
Yeah I know its hard to believe and when I am having a bad day i doubt all sorts of things.
Firstly your mum is right you really wouldnt have it fo 4 months and nothing else happen, it would be quite drastic as it would have no space in there and would be pushing on your nerves.
You can have continual headaches as you have continual anxiety, you will probably find even when you are a sleep you are tense and clenching your muscles. You probably dont sleep as well either and that alone will give you a head ache, also you are not getting a lot of fresh air.
Headaches dont just dissapear when you have a nights sleep as you have been tense for so long and it will take time when you feel confident again for it to slowly wear off.
Every time you think or write what is this headache you are adding to it, so expect the headache to hang about for a while.
When you see the doctor he can look in your eyes and would know from that if anything was wrong with your head.
Im not a good one to talk about medcation because i am as hopeless with it, but im not sure any side affect could make you feel wore than you do now ? If you do try it just make sure you are going to have some one with you for sometime after so you can tell them if you dont feel right and get a promise that if you really dont feel good they will get you help. Im not suggesting you need that but i know what its like to be anxious of medication and I would need to do that.
Maybe ask the doctor whats the best medication for tension headaches and tell him you are anxious about side affects so maybe need a really low dose to start with, but im sure when you beleive your head isnt a serious thing it will go on its own :)

06-05-12, 14:30
Hi Adam, I'm also from Rotherham, and I know how difficult living with anxiety is around here, citalopram will help you if you can slowly get yourself to start taking them and stick to them and try to stay strong and remember that things can turn around in your life, I hope the sun being out today brings a little more hope to you :)

I also have always struggled to take medication but 20mg citalopram are tiny and effective pills and if you just fill your mouth with water pop one in and swallow don't panic because it's all okay I assure you

All the best,

adam stone
06-05-12, 14:39
I no u are both right its just so hard to believe that something like anxiety could turn any one in to a wreck its just so scary I do want to start the meds I really do I don't help my self cos I keep teling my self its the end for me and that I'm not gunna get better wich is wrong wa to go about things I no that but its just how its got me I'm not sleeping great at the moment at all but when I do fall a sleep I try and stay a sleep as long as I can cos I no how I feel when I wake up how long will the citalipram start to work and will I start feeling better

06-05-12, 14:44
You have just got really over tired and worn down. You really musy try and change that thought that you wont get better, even if you dont believe it at first stop the thought and think no im strong enough to do it, you have lived with awful symptoms for 4 months so we know you are strong enough.
The mind is a very powerful thing and if you keep having negative thoughts (i know its hard not to) your body will follow your mind and go downwards.
I tell you how poweful the mind is i know some one from long ago who convinced themselves they couldnt stand and it was all anxiety and with treatment was walking in no time :)

06-05-12, 15:08
Not sure if you read this, its great! http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=46980

06-05-12, 15:32
Adam, You'll feel the effects of citalopram in just a couple of weeks believe me, and I can guarantee it will help your frame of mind this time last week I was constantly breaking down into tears feeling like there's no future and today I'm filling in my college application so I can get back on my feet, and I know you can do that too, just believe in yourself buddy

All the best,

jenny kilden
06-05-12, 18:41
hey adam, I'm suffering depression and constant anxiety at the mo, I've been on citrapam for just over 3 weeks and they are helping me now. its horrible in the beginning as you don't feel like your self, crying and thinking why me?? - but after 3 weeks of taking the tablets you will feel like the cloud is lifting. its the worst thing in the world and i wouldn't wish it on anyone - but you will feel better gradually. start the tablets and look into CBT, I'm join to be starting CBT soon, and think it will really help.
i know a handful of people who have been through depression and anxiety so bad that they wanted to die/ give up - but they didn't and now they are perfectly fine. so we can all do it!! jus be strong - you got to ride the storm out - you will feel better soon enough x

adam stone
07-05-12, 00:37
Thanks guys it means loads to me that there's people out there who understands me as u will no when ur like this u feel alone I jusy need to push my self to take the citalipram god knows why I developed a phobia now I have been on them before and came of them around 2 years ago will I get any side affects from 20 mill I can't really remember if I did last time but they was only ten mg I do feel like I've given up then every now and then I get the urge to fight then I get over powered with it again its like a never ending battle but I can't just stay in this bedroom like this its not fair on me my family and my son I wish I had some one like u guys living on same street that be good to help each other but u don't so I've got to do it alone I hope I read these back in six months time and I'm better that's my goal another think that is making me mad with my self is there's 3 women who I no and there all wanting me to meet up wi em and take em out god I'd love to do that I feel so stupid making excuses up and turning em down cos u watch when I get better there will be no one lol don't no why I menbtioned this maybe cos I feel close to u guys so blurting my life out hope ya don't mind

07-05-12, 10:33
Hi Adam, if you have taken that drug before I'm sure will be fine it does sound like a low dose, maybe ask the doctor on wednesday to make it even lower to start you off or maybe another drug with less side affects. I have been prescribed pregablin for that exact reason the only side affect on the dose i have (but havent taken) is tiredness.
You really are not going to improve if you are spending a lot of time in your room because then when you try and go out everywhere seems so big (i had this too)
Just try and think in small steps, seeing the doctor this week and then go from there. You are young and yu know people are interested in you so im sure when you are ready there will be people about t meet up with. Could just explain you are suffering with depression at the minute and need to get you head straight before you meet up ? you never know one os them may understand.
It is good though that you have an interest in getting better and want to be able to do that and meet up with them because before long you will be there. Try and keep up contact with local people even if it is on the internet.
Can you try and not see yourself as fighting this as it adds a stress that wears you down, just try and think ok I need to ride this out, not try and block the feelings but actually just sit and let then wash over you as they only have so much power and it's your fear of them that makes them strong. (not sure if any of that made sense) :)
Would be good to all be on one street wouldnt it, as it's hard finding people who have a clue what you are talking about x

07-05-12, 10:48
Hi mate, firstly as you can see by the replies, you are not alone and many people like myself have and continue to share similar challenges. When you realise that you are simply having some difficulties that many people share in common, the anxiety will already start to diminish and when you find the right mixture of medical intervention, (if appropriate, in the short term at least, but all depends on the individual and nature of anxiety and/or low moods), medication on it's own in my experience is not the answer, but can be part of a wholistic approach along with such things as healthy eating, excercise, talking and thinking therapies etc. You are not alone and will find the right balance for you, so take a deep breath in through the nose fora few seconds and slowly out through the mouth and know that support is all around you, best wishes, Steph :)

adam stone
07-05-12, 12:21
Thx rocky n steph I am really going to try so hard now I've just hasd enough of it its wearing me down mybe cos I'm suffering wi health anxiety as well always thinking worst and that there must be some thing drastic wrong with me wish I could go to sleep n wake up and it all be a dream it is nice that there is a few women out there interested in me and one of em is a reall stunner but tbh I have no interest in any of em at all I'm full on wi this stupid thing wats ruining my life x

07-05-12, 12:41
You will when you are ready, youre not going to be interested when you feel like this, but in time you will. Try and make a small change every day and see how you feel. Like staying out of your room for longer, doing some exercises in doors, standing with the window open, eating something more healthy, drink more water ..... x

adam stone
07-05-12, 13:24
I'm having a real bad day today I'm freaking out I feel spaced out n dreamy its weird and scary x

---------- Post added at 13:24 ---------- Previous post was at 13:22 ----------

Can anxiety really do this I don't feel real like so spaced out n scared n disconected I'm really scared x

07-05-12, 13:50
Yeah it can, if anyone was sit and really concentrate on their head and think about how they felt and was only aware of their head feelings including like ear buzzing or their balance they would get that sensations. I know it's really horrible and hard not to add to it by panicking but try and focus on something like a picture of your son and make your mind focus dilleberately on your stomach or chest and it should stop you focusing on your unreality.
You have had this before havent you, and it hasnt got worse than that feeling. It isnt a sign of anything else other than panic x

adam stone
07-05-12, 13:54
Its just so scary like loosing control and stuff god I really need to get better I just hope I do get better cos this is no life at all its just surviving god knows wat to say at docs wednesday I no he is gunna say how u gunna get better if I don't take meds but do the docs really understand wat its like ? X

07-05-12, 14:00
Most doctors do know all the symptoms of anxiety and would definitely know if its is anything else.
Does it not help that you have spent so many days feeling like this yet it hasnt gone onto be anything more ? you have put up with these symptoms for a long time and havent come to any dreadful end.
He cant insist you take medication, ask for other suggestions or medication that might be better.
Your recovery lies in you believing it is anxiety, so when other things are ruled out you will have to do that, yeah ? x

adam stone
07-05-12, 14:11
Ye u are right I just think cos I really do feel so poorly I twll my self wow this really must be some thing other than anxiety do u really believe I can get better I was hoping it would just slowly faze its self out but its not looking like its going to x

07-05-12, 14:30
I think you can definitely get better, especially as you are so young. I think once you accept whats wrong with you, you will suddenly move on.
But you will never get better staying in a room and waiting as you will ache from not doing much and you will spend too much time thinking your problem over and over and you will just go round in circles.
You have tried it your way of wait and see for several months havent you ? and it isnt working for you. So you are going to have to find someone you trust to believe in and change what youre doing, east said than done i know. But lets have hope the doctor helps on wednesday. Who is going with you ? x

adam stone
07-05-12, 14:50
Ye I hope he helps as well and my mums coming with me she has been looking on the net for places to help me like a place were I cud stop n be helped and be able to take my meds but it don't look like a place exists x

07-05-12, 15:48
Good, glad your mums going with you.
I think you need to go along and be completely honest and say look I know I might sound stupid but I am driving myself mad thinking I have a brain tumour and it doesnt matter what people say i still feel like I have one. I have had these headaches continually for months on end and they are not going away.
I also have no life right now as I cant leave the house with these panic attacks and think im developing agrophobia. Because of my anxiety i havent been able to take the medication due to worrying about the side affects. What are the options for dealing with this as i dont think i can go on like this ?
Maybe write something down so your mum can read it and no exactly what you want to be said ?
I dont know if there is any where to go for treatment other than a ward for mental health, but im not sure how you get reffered for that, ask the doctor all this x

P.s if you get desperate and need a quick answer just send me a private message as it goes to my phone and i will see it and go online ? as i dont sign into this on my phone.

adam stone
07-05-12, 15:59
Thanks rocky that's a good idea I will jot every thing down and way needs to be said thanks for ur advice and I will deffo inbox u for advice and stuff thank u x

07-05-12, 16:04
Thats ok i know what it's like to feel desperate and not be able to contact someone x

08-05-12, 15:31
Hi did you get my email ?

anx mum
08-05-12, 21:14
How adam how u doing?

09-05-12, 17:13
Hey Adam sorry you feeling so bad I have been dealing with panic for years now and I do have it under control for the most part. One thing that really helped me was reading about anxiety and panic attacks, why it happens and what actually happens to the body , if you understand why it's happening and why your body is reacting the way it is, then that can help, well it helped me. I still take citalopram and have done for nearly 10 years. And sometimes I do get a panic attack, but deep down I know I am not mad and it's just my body responding to my thoughts. It's a vicious circle but you can and will beat it.

09-05-12, 23:28
adam the best thing to look for on the internet is derealisation google it. it might help you. x

10-05-12, 07:50
Hello Adam I am new today May 10 and I can relate. I found out when you get this overwhelmed with anxiety there usually a build up of emotions not let go but more importantly is what things have been building up and taking them out one by one to see it ,deal with it and let it go. It takes time and help but once you learn to do this you never forget.:welcome:

adam stone
10-05-12, 19:24
Hi sorry I havnt been on for a day r two but thanks for responding well I've been to docs yesterday and he lowered the dose of citalipram to ten mg and I have took them this is my second day on them I did explain every thing to my doctor especially these head aches n pains that I get every day wich he swears is anxiety n stress but me been me still don't think it is and I was saying to rocky its so hard to believe anxiety is doing this to me I mean the feelings I get nearly all day every day with out having panic attacks I still feel crap weird and like its not me some times that gets intense like I'm gunna freak out cos I don't feel real n stuff it is so hard to explain but hope u can understand me and the head aches come n go like above my forhead and then in middle a head feels like a grabbing feeling like some ones pulling my brain r an ache also hard to explain and I'm feeling sick as well and I get this a lot in the mornings sorry for babling on x

10-05-12, 20:14
Hi Adam, how you doing ? x

adam stone
11-05-12, 10:41
Hi rocky same really but the not real feeling is worse maybe cos I'm constantly thinking I'm druged up on meds even tho I very much doubt there making me feel any worse how's u x

11-05-12, 10:58
Hi Adam!
I had citalopram for 3 years and found they worked really well! The first week is awful, feeling sick and tired etc but its well worth it when the benefits kick in! I also take valium on occasions to calm me, usually when changing medication as I have done a few times over the last 4 years! They will help to keep you calm and relax you, maybe ask the doctor for a lower dose? 2mg is what i usually take! Also bare in mind it could be the anxiety that is making you feel sick!
Hope to hear some good news from you soon! x

---------- Post added at 10:58 ---------- Previous post was at 10:53 ----------

The citalopram do make you feel out of it but this will improve over the next few days and you will begin to feel better and better! x

adam stone
11-05-12, 11:57
Hi onecardonly and ye I will keep u posted its only my third day today I feel spaced and unreal all time so probs just me thinking tabd r making me worse cos I'm scared of em I'm strugling with sleep at tho month find it hard to nod off and then when I do I wake up early and can't get back to sleep and I was hoping that lowering tho dose to ten mg of the citalipram wud hardly give me any side effects I just wish I could close my eyes n wake up when there making me feel better

11-05-12, 12:14
Hi Adam
Glad youre no worse, I have also started taking my drugs pregablin and i know exactly what you mean. By the time i swallowed it i was feeling spaced out, blurry eyes, tiredness, and feelings like im walking on a boat. Im sure none of it is actually down to the tablet but i still feel it x

adam stone
11-05-12, 16:17
Yep that's how I feel then I make my self scared my mum and dads going to caravan for weekend so I'm a bit scared of that but I am going to stick to meds and see if it helps me its good that u also have started on them as well x

adam stone
14-05-12, 14:42
Hi just thought I'd post a comment well this is day six of been on ten mg citalipram and I don't feel any better I keep feeling like I'm realy spaced n dreamy and I still get head pains at front a my head above my forehead I'm sticking to meds tho cos its got to be worth a shot I've noticed I tense my face a lot don't no if it has owt to do wi it r not

14-05-12, 21:01
Hi Adam, it sounds like you are tensing your forehead which will make it feel funny. I think the drugs you are taking do take quite a while to help andthat spacy feeling is normal, but you are doing well to cope with it.
It will gradually help im sure, have you been able to any more than before or are you just taking it easy until the meds kick in xx

adam stone
14-05-12, 21:06
I have been on the garden a few times nothing major tho I'm waiting for tabs to kick in I don't get it tho it goes threw stages the strange feelings like the un real n spaced feeling one min I don't feel as bad next thing I do I just don't get it xx

14-05-12, 21:33
Yeah that sounds about right. The adrenalin that makes you feel funny only lasts a short time so probabaly it wears off and you start to feel better, then you remember you are ok and think about it and set it off again. So it's a vicious circle x

adam stone
14-05-12, 21:38
Ye that's right and another thing I noticed wi my head is that if I shake it side to side and up and down fast I can feel it hurts my head inside xx

adam stone
31-05-12, 11:33
I feel there is some thing going on with me I've been on meds 3 weeks and thought my panic attacks was easing off till I woke up in middle of a panic attack but this feels different I feel sick and dizzy its really freaking me out

31-05-12, 11:59
:hugs:hi i was wondering could you have a sinus problem .i say this but sometimes people with anxiety seem to suffer .you could try steam to release the pressure its good and does help

02-06-12, 05:30
You are not a lone Adam . You beat it once you can again. :)

adam stone
03-06-12, 13:26
Hi I don't think it is a sinus isue but will ask doctor I'm back there tuesday I've been on citalipram ten mil for four week now and the panic attacks and anxiety seemed to ease off a lil bit but now its back so strong and the head aches just won't ho I'm really scared its a brain tumour I've had head aches every day for five months its freaking me out it hurts some times on bending coughing any straining I don't no wat to do x

29-11-12, 05:50
Hi Adam,i read you thread,
And was wondering how are you now?
Hope you Re doiv great!!!
Take care!