View Full Version : bad virus last week, still having lingering effects

17-04-12, 13:13
So I've been posting about this virus ... I do feel much better ... I can actually get out of bed and keep food down. Today is my first day of work. My muscles are not hurting as bad, but still keep me awake at night. They are improving though. I still am having lingering symptoms, as my appetite is no where near normal and I am worried that I have not gone number 2 in quite a number of days, even though I really did not eat anything last week until a couple days ago. My rash is still there, not as bright but comes and goes in places.

How long do lingering effects of a virus last? I just want this to be over with.

I also got a little worried because I had blood work last week to check for various autoimmune conditions, and another doctor called me to say the results show that it is definitely a virus causing the symptoms, no muscle damage, etc. But then the original doctor I saw called me yesterday to follow up because he wasn't the one who gave me the results. He said something along the lines of the blood tests being "inconclusive" to show anything causing my symptoms, leading him to believe it is a virus. The word inconclusive is scaring me. He didn't say I needed to follow up or get tested and if I was getting better then that is good.

For some reason I am not pleased and am still really nervous. Any thoughts, please? Sorry for all the posts about this. It's been a tough couple weeks.

17-04-12, 13:27
Hi There are a lot of virus going around here at the moment too. I don't feel great at the moment and am really feeling sorry for myself (convinced that i have something more than just a cold). The word inconclusive is nothing to worry about it just means that nothing has showed up, leading them to believe that it is a virus that is causing your symptoms.

17-04-12, 14:38
Thanks, that helps me not worry so much about the blood results. If it was serious or concerning, they would have had me come back in and not just sent me off on my way.

How long is it normal to have my appetite gone for? I am getting food down but only because I am forcing myself to. I have lost weight, but don't know how much as I don't own a scale. Can the viral rash linger for a while?

17-04-12, 16:03
Viruses can last upto 14days, my mom is just getting over a nasty one.