View Full Version : internal bleedin

sherylee xx
17-04-12, 13:45
hey guys feel abit silly but you know how health anxiety works once you think about somethin its near im possible to just let it go and rashionalise it when your havin physical symptoms.. well here goes earlier i smashed my tummy quite hard into the handle of my sons buggy it took my breath away and since i have been gettin shrap tummy pains pains at the top of my back all over my shoulder blades and pain in my jaw im terrified i have internal bleedin my partner said not to be silly but seriously im concerned! oh how i wish i could go back to the days where i wouldnt give this a second thought :( please comment thanks :weep: xx ps to make things worse i done the worst thing ever and googled! i know i know but i needed quick reasurence but just made it worse and knew it would but still couldnt help it xx

17-04-12, 14:00
I am not one to talk, as I irrationalise everything but I doubt very much that you have internal bleeding. I am not medically qualified, but I have some real experience of internal bleeds and it doesnt present as pain as such but more likely you would become anaemic / feel lightheaded faint and I would be surprised if stomach problems manifest in the jaw.

Obviously if you are in pain or worried you should consult a Dr but it sounds to me that you are doing what I always do - 2+2=6!! The likely hood of an internal bleed from a "collision" type injury is very very remote - take deep breathes

All the best

17-04-12, 14:05
Muscle injuries can refer pain all over your body. When my shoulders hurt, I can feel it in my tummy and head. I wouldn't think it is internal bleeding. Maybe try some ice where you hurt yourself though just to help a bit. It helps it heal faster and will help wtih any muscle swelling.

sherylee xx
17-04-12, 15:10
thankyou both :) i knew full well when typin that i was bein rediculous but guess i just needed others input and let the health anx run away with me and deffo agree with the 2+2=6 part lol deep breaths and chill out for me i think lol thanks again to both of you xx