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View Full Version : Chest pains.....I can't stand this!

17-04-12, 13:59
Hi guys,...

I'm at comp- fed up point...I woke up this morning and have felt a little off balance and dizzy today, I keep getting skipped beats and that thumping sensation when it kicks back in....

This afternoon I've been having central chest pain and once or twice a mild stabbing pain around the heart area....

My sinus drip is still giving me issue so I'm coughing all the time...I have this pressured sensation around my nose, under eyes and cheeks...

I'm scared and trying not to convince myself Im gonna have a heart attack.

My husbands just gone out and I asked if I could go with him as I don't wanna be on my own...but can't as I've got to pick the kid up from school and we won't be back in time.....

My eyes feel heavy- don't know if that's the pressure thing....
I feel breathless but have for days...don't know why....think it's from the allergy problem....

Do you think is from the coughing....? I'm at my wits end...if searched other posts and all I read about is heart attacks etc etc....

17-04-12, 14:05
Dr has me on a very low dose of beta blockers which has worked an absolute treat on my chest concerns/skipped beats etc. Have you tried talking to your doc?

So sorry you are having a rough time :bighug1:

17-04-12, 14:10
I've been going on about palps, skipped beats and chest pains for about a year now...

He knows I smoke, like a drink....

He has never offered any tests or specific medication for this...he just says anxiety and throws SSRI's at me....

I'm gonna have to see him again soon.....I laugh and tell my husband when I'm dead in hospital make sure you sue someone....

I feel like the doctor never takes me seriously...

17-04-12, 22:09
To me it sounds like allergies. I have the same issues . I get pressure in my head, sides of my nose, under eyes, and cheeks…sometimes its not even pressure just straight pain. It’s also very common to have heavy eyes and feel a bit dizzy. Where I live in the U.S. these are very common allergy complaints. Allergies are horrible here. Maybe you need allergy medicine.

As far the chest pain, I’ve been getting them too. Mine is slightly to the left of the center of my chest…more on my left breast. Sometimes it feels like an ache and sometimes it’s a slight sharp pain. The pain only covers an area the width of my thumb. The weird thing is, sometimes heat radiates from that area or the back of my neck. The whole thing only last for a few seconds. I wish I knew why this is happening.

18-04-12, 10:28
Hey Em

Sucks your struggling at the moment. I too suffer with ectopics and have for years. When I go through a bad bout them I have trouble breathing and it feels like my throat is closing! I'm actually struggling to breathe as we speak! Everything you are describing is a mirror of me. My heart will sometimes constantly skip and it feels like I'm not having any normal beats!!! I used to be so utterly obsessed with it all that it was the very cause of my last breakdown! I'd read every post about them, I had tests and a 24 hr monitor which the report stated I had frequent PVCs and 17 couplets!! The only thing that stopped the obsession was the reassurance that these were mainly being caused from my anxiety!!! I also registered on a help forum which I followed from a link on here. It's run by a retired specialist who knows everything!! He answered some of my posts and it was enough for me to accept them and realise that yes they are there, yes I am a person who is prone to them and no they would never ever harm me. They certainly make you feel terrified and hopeless at times and ready to give it all up but at the end of the day, fact is, they are no more dangerous than an eye twitch.
I get niggles and pains too. Mostly they are caused by air pockets that are created from the uneven breathing due to breath holding etc from trying to control the damn things!

One thing that always helps me is to put on meditation music and refocus myself. The soft tunes do something to me and it really settles the palps. Chamomile tea is fantastic also.

Take a big breath hun, you're going to be just fine.

Kel x

18-04-12, 10:56
I have and obsession with my heart Kel, which site have you been on for this specialist?

18-04-12, 13:02
The site is....palps.chemicalforums.com I can't seem to cut and paste the link and if you just type this into the address bar it may not work.....?? If you do a search on this site using the name RLR or Rutherford Rane there should be a link in one of his replies somewhere.
Sorry I'm not much help.
