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17-04-12, 14:57

I've been to see the doctor recently as following the birth of our first baby I've not been able to sleep. Ironically our daughter sleeps really well, but it seems something has flipped in my brain and I'm unable to switch off.

For the past 7 weeks I've been having 2 - 4 hours sleep per night. I'm now starting to show signs of depression and have anxiety/panic attacks numerous times each day. I honestly can't say that any one thing is worrying me and can't think of any reason why I should feel like this: I should be really happy.

I saw a doctor 2 weeks ago who prescribed 80mg propranolol (beta blocker) and 50mg trazodone at night. I don't feel like the beta-blocker has had any effect, and whilst the trazodone sends me to sleep - I seem to consistently wake 3 hours after taking it and can't sleep after.

I'll be seeing a doctor again next week, and would welcome any feedback you have about these questions:
1. Its only been 7 weeks, but I can't see a way out of this as things are getting worse. Am I expecting too much too soon?
2. Are there any drugs which are non-dependency-forming which can help? I worry that taking drugs will be a hard habit to break.
3. Can you recommend any relaxation techniques to help empty the mind, as when I lie in bed my mind starts racing and my body shaking?



granny number 4
17-04-12, 15:08
hi i know how you feel when it comes out of the blue it freaks you out but it time to let it will get better just dont rush and take its course its your body telling you its tired it does get better x

17-04-12, 17:41
its so annoying how it just comes from nowhere isnt it :(
i wont take medication for my anxiety but lately iv been trying out herbal teas. camomile tea is good for relaxation so is peppermint tea but i havent tried that one yet! if you search the benefits of herbal teas on the internet there are quite alot that are good for helping you to calm and get some decent sleep. Candles and other smelly things are good too. I just ordered a cinnamon and frankincense candle which is supposed to de-stress you. you can get them for a few pounds of ebay.
i really hope you begin to feel better :) xx

18-04-12, 08:08
Thanks for your replies.
Last night I had a number of what I'd call panic attacks which have left me terrified. It felt like my whole body was on fire and while I'm not having an attack right now the burning/tingling sensations and a feeling of terrible unease are there.
I'll try to see a GP today as I don't think I can go on feeling like this. Hopefully something can be done.


18-04-12, 10:44
I totally get everything you've said. I think the arrival of my kids is when my own jouney down the road of anxiety started. I think something in your head just changes and tells you to worry about them and indirectly yourself. At 30 I had no phobias or significant worry to speak of. Now I'm 43 with 2 kids 11 and 9 and I have fear of heights and anxiety problems especially health anxiety. It is so annoying that just when you think you are having a normal day something triggers the whole process. I'm a bit further down the road so perhaps can offer a few bits of guidance that I have found useful.

I think theres two steps you can take that have helped me in my journey.

Your panic description sounded very familiar. Especially the 'burning'. I find after an anxious time and especially when I have got panicky the sensations left over take a long time to go away. Initially the adrenaline you've created courses around your body making you have all the shaky burny feelings. (Some exercise will help burn this off and also help distract you.) But also the general tension in your body can sometimes take a a day or two to return to normal.
There was one bit of advice that I gained from visiting forums about the anxiety that I found very useful. It is to accept that the panic attack is just that and does not actually pose any kind of danger. It is hard at first as your fight or flight reaction is so strong but then if you can get to the point of being in a panic but aware that it is a sensation, it will pass and it is not in itself causing any harm it is quite liberating. When it happens I tell my self 'Ok, bring it on then, lets see what you've got'. You move the sensations into a new place so that you can experience them without it leading to terror and thus starting to break the circle. In time this has led to them reducing and regaining control over my feelings. I found it is also useful to recognise real cases of increased stress, all people experience anxiety about real stressful situations so it important not to beat yourself up when you react, you haven't failed.

I'm glad to hear that you're visiting the doc's, im my case this was a big hurdle as my anxiety is mostly health based. I think this is the best thing you can do as regards step 2. Discover that the terrible feelings you refer to are just the result of the anxiety and nothing more. Break the cycle again. This can lead you to the point that you know there are no real problems behind your symptoms and may just help you down a road of living your life in a healthier way, it did for me as I found it gave me a new awareness of my body and self and how to look after it.

18-04-12, 15:11
Went to see a doctor earlier and he prescribed duloxetine (cymbalta) 60mg. Apparently it'll take a few weeks to take any effect, but I'm hoping that it will have some benefit. With luck it'll have some effect on the neurological pains that I have too.
Thanks for your reply flipsake. It seems crazy that I should have any kind of anxiety as I'm generally pretty easy-going and can't think of any facet of my life that I'd change (other than pain, insomnia and anxiety).
With luck I and everyone else on here can get this under control and start enjoying life again.

All the best,
